I'm with you I have everything crosses for my Eric :( it wiuldn't be the same without him he's too amazing. Plus he always says how much he loves that job. And the season 12 finale ddn't show him leaving, about to leave, unhappy etc and they wouldn't let Szmanda leave without a finished exit...
I agree Gabby can be grating, I love Lynette her and Tom are made for each other, I can't believe Denton left the show he was my favourite I bawled my eyes out at the last episode (the funeral) it was so sad. Poor Susan has a rough time I gotta say and my fave Susan moment is when she is singing...
I can honestly say I am the biggest Eric/Jorja fan in this world. I have his name tattooed on my calf and hers on my wrist :p
Hey there ^^ he does have the most mesmerizing eyes *le sigh* I like the pics of him and Dita in paris for christmas together. I wonder if they're dating...?
Any Desperate Housewives Fans?
CSI is my ultimate favourite show but Desperate Housewives is a close second. :) anyone else want to talk about it? Plotlines, favourite/least favourite characters/families?
*squeals with inexplicable joy and claps with glee* A commentary with Eric :D I can't wait!! 15 days and counting :) My birthday is two days before the release date guess which I'm more excited about? :P