Recent content by enigma

  1. E

    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    Ecklie has always been out to get Grissom anyway he could, I can only imagine what a field day he is going to have when it is revealed that Griss and Sara is in a relationship. And if she was to live to season 8 or die season 7, you can imagine what repercussions will be made towards Grissom...
  2. E

    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    I read the spoilers on the Chinese page. It sounds like something that could really happen, because the connection between the quotes Ernie says to Natalie and the quotes Natalie says to Grissom. (Is she your special girl? Your best one?) It links the story together. I will be glad if Grissom...
  3. E

    Season 8: Returning Stars & Show *NO SPOILERS*

    I am not so sure that they will kill off Sara because remember when Brass got shot, no one was afraid he was dead because they already knew he was signed on for the new season. So maybe what they are doing this season finale is trying to confuse us so we don´t know the outcome in ahead. Because...
  4. E

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    I don´t know if I believe Sara is trapped under her car.. because I can´t see her owning a red sports car and another thing that I find strange is that she is supposedly missing and are supposed to be in Frisco. But then why is she wearing her work clothes trapped under the red car :confused...
  5. E

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    It will be extremely annoying if Living Doll ends with a cliff hanger based on if Sara lives or dies. Are we supposed to wait several months only to find out she´s dead :confused: I don´t watch CSI just because of Sara, but a huge part I do watch because of her, she´s been there for seven...
  6. E

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    I´ve been thinking...if Sara dies in the season finale I will be so disappointed because for example what happen to the cocoon :confused: and I know we had some great GSR moments during the years but I was kind of hoping Grissom would finally be able to express his feelings for Sara by saying...
  7. E

    "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler I think this episode is gonna expose Sara and Grissoms relationship, at least to Catherine because of her comment to Grissom about slaping him. But I think the effect will be positive in the sense that Catherine stands up for Sara. If...
  8. E

    Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

    Hi everyone :) I´m new here. I´m 20 and from Stockholm, Sweden. I love CSI and I´ve been watching since day one, my favourite characters are Grissom and Sara. I think they have great on-screen chemistry :) Well I guess I´ll see you guys around ;)
  9. E

    "Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Listen..I never wrote that Griss and Sara would kiss in Fallen Idols. I was simply wondering if any one else was waiting for a kiss between those two, when ever. Get it right the next time before getting all worked up about it.
  10. E

    "Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Is it just me or is someone else waiting for a kiss between Griss and Sara?:devil: I am soo looking forward to Fallen Idols :)