Recent content by Egad

  1. E

    Where did the dog come from?

    Not to get too off-topic, but as far as showing I thought the purpose was to demonstrate quality breeding and training, so a Doberman or any dog's natural ears and tail ought to be left as is imo, if the dog comes from a good line it will show either way -- except in cases as above when docking...
  2. E

    Do you believe?

    haha I slept with a homemade Ouiji board under my mattress for a year - my mother finally found it and flipped, which is odd because she's normally fairly rational about that kind of thing. Nothing adverse to report, though, it was just too big to put it anywhere else and my bed was solid down...
  3. E

    Tattoos and Piercings

    Re: TATTOOS Pain depends on a number of things -- your own tolerance, andthe location (ribs are the worst I've heard). I've heard that the outline needle is worse than colour, because the needles used for colour are several heads where the outline is only one, so it's more localised. My entire...
  4. E

    Tattoos and Piercings

    Re: TATTOOS Ah, thread necromancy -- but I love tattoos :D I only have one so far, a clockwork/cog design on my right wrist -- here's a picture
  5. E

    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    Yeah, I was thinking about the how - 100 miles in any direction though, an overturned car is going to be easily spotted from the air and a lot more ground covered from that vantage point -- if she was going to be really twisted she'd've dumped loads of cars all over the desert XD
  6. E

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Brass is 100% my favourite character, haha. He's hilarious, and often says exactly what I'm thinking when I'm ready to roll my eyes at an episode, and brings it all back down to earth so it's believable again, haha! hello everyone :)
  7. E

    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    I liked the finalé, I thought the script was a little contrived in places (placing Sara in danger and having Grissom trying to rescue her, very old school in the first place, nevermind it's been done with Nick previously - it's a little bit Mills and Boon for my liking, even in a CSI setting...
  8. E

    Don't let CBS dump Jorja Fox!

    I'm still fairly new to the CSI bandwagon, I've been playing catchup - I like Sara's character, and I'm not a shipper so her relationship with Grissom doesn't bother me one way or another. I do think the dynamic in the show seems different, especially since I am burning at both ends so to speak...
  9. E

    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    Quickie of Sara in which her neck is slightly too long... XD EDIT: I know how to spell 'Sara'... no really D:
  10. E

    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    Thanks Maryse! haha it all stemmed from a story I read once where a character was suspected of faking his own death... the reason they knew was because the autopsy had been inconclusive! haha, excuse me for thinking that like... during an AUTOPSY someone would notice if the victim was dead or...
  11. E

    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    yeah, devart has been misbehaving for me too D: upsetting, considering I check it every 20 seconds, haha.
  12. E

    Musicals-Who else?

    I've got tickets for Mary Poppins in London for July :D I heard the sets are amazing, is that right?
  13. E

    Musicals-Who else?

    I'm a big fan too -- I like um, Wicked, Thoroughly Modern Millie (film & show, they're both ridiculous and amazing, haha!), The Drowsy Chaperone, The Producers, Hairspray, Avenue Q, Gypsy, Rocky Horror... the list is pretty endless! -- I enjoy RENT but I really need to be in the mood for it...
  14. E

    Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

    Howdy people :D I'm new, and presently trying to catch up on 7 seasons of CSI (gaaaah! haha) I only watch the Vegas one at the moment, all three at once would consume more hours than I have in the week. I'm 21, Scottish and a girl, legend has it. I am presently terribly confused because I'm...