Overall it was a pretty boring episode. I really had to fight to finish it. Though I must admit I loved the Sara/Jorja screen time. Hopefully the next episode will be better.
I'm going to be optimistic given that Sara is in a lot of the pictures for this episode and say that she shows up a bunch (which in my opinion is awesome).
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..
...you are excited to find out that criminal justice counts as social science credits...so you plan to take a few classes...even though you're a music major...
lol...i thought hey, why not...it's interesting....
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *NO Spoilers
what kind of car does sara have in the season 7 finale....someone told me it was a toyota prius...but i didn't think it was....
it was pretty good....but i felt like it moved somewhat slow.....or fast...well slow during the natalie scenes and fast during the scenes with a csi....the only thing that made this a good season finale was the cliffhanger....but...this is the 3rd year in a row that a csi was almost killed off...