Recent content by drummergurll

  1. drummergurll

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 4

    Overall it was a pretty boring episode. I really had to fight to finish it. Though I must admit I loved the Sara/Jorja screen time. Hopefully the next episode will be better.
  2. drummergurll

    "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Dead" Discussion *Spoilers*

    I'm going to be optimistic given that Sara is in a lot of the pictures for this episode and say that she shows up a bunch (which in my opinion is awesome).
  3. drummergurll

    Who is world's favorite CSI character?

    if i had to choose...i'd say sara...season 5 sara was good....
  4. drummergurll

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. are excited to find out that criminal justice counts as social science you plan to take a few classes...even though you're a music major... lol...i thought hey, why's interesting....
  5. drummergurll

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    dickie roberts former child star... it was a lot funnier when i was it's just a whole lot of bad jokes running together....
  6. drummergurll

    Big Brother 8 USA "NO SPOILERS"

    i thought dani's plan was to backdoor jenn....wonder who's going to get the pov.....
  7. drummergurll

    Photography Competition: CSI - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: CSI 2 9 5 great pics everyone....
  8. drummergurll

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. when you're filling an order for dell at work and all you can think about is ernie dell and natalie....
  9. drummergurll

    Poll: Do you want Sara to live or die? NO SPOILERS

    live...i would miss the dynamic her character adds to the she's one of my favs...don't die!!!
  10. drummergurll

    Weirdest Foods

    rocky mountain oysters...deer style... actually not to bad.... yum....
  11. drummergurll

    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    holy crud..i think i just died laughing...*checks pulse*....yep definitely died from laughing....
  12. drummergurll

    I Have An Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P1

    Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *NO Spoilers what kind of car does sara have in the season 7 finale....someone told me it was a toyota prius...but i didn't think it was....
  13. drummergurll

    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    it was pretty good....but i felt like it moved somewhat slow.....or fast...well slow during the natalie scenes and fast during the scenes with a csi....the only thing that made this a good season finale was the cliffhanger....but...this is the 3rd year in a row that a csi was almost killed off...
  14. drummergurll

    "Sweet Jane" Discussion **Spoilers**

    sounds like an interesting episode and i'm glad that lindsey will be in it..that always makes things more interesting....
  15. drummergurll

    NCAA Football

    the las vegas bowl....sweet.....still can't believe the ducks lost to the neighbors are still mocking me....