Recent content by Dreamsingr

  1. D

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    I gotta know, where do you all get your spoilers? I would love to see Danny protecting Lindsay after she testifys!
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Anyone know where I can find the trailer for "Fannysmakin'"
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    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    I was disappointed that he was only in one scene, does anyone know where I can find the one clip of Greg from that episode?
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    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    I have a question, does anyone know what episode Flack rode a Crotch Rocket and made it skid?
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    ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother! ~

    Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother I just watched Open Water and I was wondering if anyone could pm me some clips of Horatio?
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    Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

    Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS** Oh yeah! Her daughter is so cute!
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    Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

    Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS** Sweet thanks!
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    Marisol Delko/ Alana De LA Garza *SPOILERS*

    Re: Marisol Delko/ Alana De LA Garza You know
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    Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

    Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS** Awesome pictures Alexx!
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    Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

    Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS** I think she would be an awesome CSI!
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    Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

    Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS** Her smile is amazing! You know she has a daughter! How cute is that!
  12. D

    Home Sweet Home - Nick/Sara

    Wow that was hot! Update soon!!
  13. D

    Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

    Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS** Your welcome, I absolutly love this woman! She is so beautiful and an awesome actress!
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    Taking the Initiative (Snickers)

    Ooo so cute, update soon!!