Recent content by DocMussentuchit

  1. D

    Rock/Alternative music

    Yeah, they're awesome. I haven't seen them live though. I wish I could.
  2. D

    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors* It's a show, so it's fiction. Although the medical aspect is based on facts like ER and other medical shows.
  3. D

    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors* I like Chase/Cameron a lot. I don't dig the whole House/Cameron thing. Besides Chase/Cameron is more likely. Apparently the actors are dating each other.
  4. D

    Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

    I dunno but I hope she is, we need to see more of her...and Ryan with her.
  5. D

    Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

    Yay! Now I would watch that episode over and over again. And at the end when Valera gives Ryan a big ol' kiss and takes him to her house to have some kinky sex, Calleigh will smack Eric over the head for believing the Snake and they'll go into a closet somewhere...
  6. D

    Where you from?

    Sweet, they have CSI in Portugal. I live in Connecticut, USA but my parents are from Portugal. We're going their this summer, good to know I won't be deprived of CSI.
  7. D

    The Random Facts Thread

    Well that isn't completely sure. My friend can do it, it's kinda freaky. I think 99% of people can't or something like that.
  8. D

    Rock/Alternative music

    Yeah, they're awesome. I like "Authenticity" the most. I listen to angry sometimes, lyrics are what I like about bands. Tiger Army...I dunno, by genre they're psychobilly but they kinda sound like AFI. Let's just say they're unique.
  9. D

    Rock/Alternative music

    I love Chevelle, they're awesome. Great songs. Haven't heard of Otep, but I'll definitely check them out. Anyone listen to Tiger Army?
  10. D

    Stetler/Horatio Slash Thread

    midnight maybe on to something. I be that's why H always wears his sunnies, cause Rick always gives them to him. He cherishes them.
  11. D

    Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

    I must agree with what you all say. Valera in vests must turn him on. I'm sure she doesn't mind it. Ryan would so defend Valera if they accused her. 'Cause he knows she wouldn't do something like that. Very cute. Besides he did feel responsible for getting her suspended so he doesn't want that...
  12. D

    Rock/Alternative music

    I love Shiny Toy Guns, they're awesome Check out this band Nightmare of You
  13. D

    The Song Guessing Game

    Actually that song is originally done by Simon and Garfunkel. It was from that movie "The Graduate", good movie.
  14. D

    Stetler/Horatio Slash Thread

    Oh man, this know I never thought about it. But they always did seem to stare at each other a little too much. I have to say, even though I'm not a slash person, I like this pairing. It's funny. They act all tough but when they get home Rick's got his little apron on, cooking...
  15. D

    Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

    Ryan has a shovel, he'll know what to do. He has to protect his girl. Not that Valera would need it, she could kick Snake Lady's ass.