Recent content by DetectiveCurtis

  1. D

    Conquences: The Trial

    The DA stood up and said, "How well did you know Mr. Delko?" The judge was glad that the DA took over as she was starting to lose her patience with her own court room. When that happened, just look out because she will become an angry person.
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    Conquences: The Trial

    Ok it's been almost a month yet again since we had a posting. Could the DA start asking questions or move on to the next witness. I mormally don't do this but it's been kinda dead here. Is it too much to ask that some one take the inective and move this story along.
  3. D

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. YKYHWTMCSIW..... when you change your ringer to the CSI theme. That way if you don't feel like talking to the person, you can listen to the song. hehehe
  4. D

    Conquences: The Trial

    Judge Anderson looked at DA Thompson and said, "You may cont." She knew that the DA would be understanding. She looked at her courtroom and said, "The next outburst, I will close this courtroom. I will also hold everyone in this courtroom in contempt." Jessica hardly had to say that to her court...
  5. D

    Conquences: The Trial

    OC~ Ok people it's been what over a month since out last post. If we dropping of the face of the earth, will someone please tell me so I can stop checking this RP. If anyone has changed their mind about this RP, please RP me. My plan was to the trial and to have Eric guilty of something-- anything.
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    Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

    Warrick: Well it could either be one of your experiements Gris, or Ecklie is late on the April Fool's Day Joke. Grissom: My money is on Ecklie.
  7. D

    Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

    LOL That was funny Dynamol1
  8. D

    Conquences: The Trial

    Judge Jessica Andrews looks at DA Michael Thompson and said, "You may call your first witness." She looked at her courtroom. It was calm now, but she knew that hell was gonna break loose once the first witness took the stand. Yet, she enjoyed cases like this, because it keeps her right on her toes.
  9. D

    Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

    Grissom: I thought sinority ment that you get the best cases not the ones that everyone else doesn't want. or Billy: I have to be more myself, not this bug- lovin guy.
  10. D

    Conquences: The Trial

    Judge Jessica Andrews looked at the DA for NY. "You may proceede." She said as she looked at the DA. She had him in her court on my occasions and each time he had shown her the upmost respect. *I PMed the guy who was the DA. If he doesn't get back to me, I'm gonna need someone to be the DA for...
  11. D

    Conquences: The Trial

    (Maybey you could say why your client is inosent of the charges that are against him.)
  12. D

    Conquences: The Trial

    OT: Wil someone please do an opening statement for Eric's defense. So I can then in turn do my opening statement for the state. Just so everyone is clear, Lindesy will be the first called to the stand then Messer. (Danny i know he's engaged to Montana.)
  13. D

    Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

    GREG: You look hot Sara. (OF SCREEN) SARA: Don't tempt me into kicking your butt. GREG: (Looks at Sara) OK. (I just have a quick question. How long are the pictures up befroe new ones are added.)
  14. D

    What's on your Ipod?

    Since I thought this would be an enteresting idea for an off topic post. What does everyone have on thier Ipod? *this includes music, videos, tv shows, podcast*. Since I started it, I should answer first. I have over 150 songs on my Ipod. Mostly they are from the 90's but I still love the...
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    Eddie Cahill to Participate in Live CSI Files Chat Wednesday

    Re: Eddie Cahill to Participate in Live CSI Files Chat Wedne I hope one of the mods can ask Eddie these questions for me;P 1. I was just wondering what your favorite CSI:NY episode was/is and why? 2. Flack has done scenes with every main character. Who is your favorite to do a scene with and...