Recent content by delkosgirl88

  1. delkosgirl88

    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    Can anyone tell me which episodes Suzy and Madison are in?
  2. delkosgirl88

    Episode 7x24 'Dissolved' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    You pretty much summed up my thoughts on this epi.
  3. delkosgirl88

    Hockey Fans

    Red Wings all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. delkosgirl88

    Episode 7x18 - 'Flight Risk' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I really liked this episode. I love that the entire team, including Frank, Valera, and the two lab techs, were given screen time. The writers should really do that more often. I hope that Travers and the other lab tech (can't remember his name) get to stick around for a while, I really like...
  5. delkosgirl88

    Artists/Bands you think no one's heard of

    Within Temptation is pretty amazing. I've heard of some of these bands including Theory of a Deadman, OLP, Atreyu, and Flogging Molly. Francesca Battistelli is a fairly new Christian artist. Her song 'I'm Letting Go' is one of my favorite.
  6. delkosgirl88

    Welcome to General TV & Media! Please introduce yourself!

    Hey I'm Caitlin.....Besides Miami and NY, I also watch NCIS, Burn Notice, L&O:SVU, and other shows I can't think of at the moment.
  7. delkosgirl88

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #5

    My last 10 songs are 1. Superchick--Hold 2. Krystal Meyers--The Way to Begin 3. Jeremy Camp--Beyond Measure 4. Natalie Grant--Held 5. Martina McBride--Anyway 6. Jeremy Camp--What It Means 7. Casting Crowns--Every Man 8. Jeremy Camp--Tonight 9. Addison Road--Sticking With You 10. Jeremy...
  8. delkosgirl88

    "Turn, Turn, Turn" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I really liked this episode. I don't normally watch CSI (I prefer CSI:Miami and CSI:NY) but I wanted to see Taylor Swift. I think she did an amazing job, but that is just me. I loved that it was Nick-centric, he is my favorite Vegas CSI.
  9. delkosgirl88

    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    How long do you guys think that Eric and Calleigh will be able to keep their relationship from their colleagues? I think they will try to stay on the DL for awhile, but I also think that someone will notice something. They are crime scene investigators after all so they are supposed to notice...
  10. delkosgirl88

    Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 8 Spoilers***

    Re: Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 7 Spoilers*** Thanks for the pictures. Did anyone else notice the ring on Calleigh's left hand? What are your thoughts on that?
  11. delkosgirl88

    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI Discussion!

    Hey *waves* I'm Delko'sGirl88 aka DG. I've been on here for a while now but I just now found this thread. I watch all three CSI's, though Miami is my favorite. NY is second, followed by Vegas. I love watching CSI re-runs on Spike and A&E.
  12. delkosgirl88

    If you were a GUEST STAR on CSI, which role would you choose?

    I would want to be a witness that ended up being a suspect (guilty or innocent) on either Miami or NY so that Eric, Ryan, Flack or Danny could interrogate me. :shifty: Playing a suspect would be fun, because it's the complete opposite of who I really am. I also think it would be fun to play a...
  13. delkosgirl88

    Emily/Calleigh #11 :The Divine Miss Em

    Em looked absolutely amazing earlier. I didn't know she was going to be presenting at the Grammys but I was watching anyway. When Em came on I wasnt fully paying attention (was trying to study), but once she was on, I gave up on studying. My friends laughed at how fast I turned when I heard the...
  14. delkosgirl88

    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    That definitely made my day (possibly even my week)! Thanks delkolover.
  15. delkosgirl88

    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    I thought that the scenes between Eric and Calleigh on Monday's episode were absolutely adorable:adore: I imagine that one of the CSI's will notice that something is different between Eric and Calleigh. They are crime scene investigators after all. I have a feeling that Stetler will cause...