Recent content by delkolover

  1. delkolover

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Yes episode 5 is a type of Jersey Shore gimmick episode. And to be honest from what I read, there wasn't really overly anything interesting to report! Just think of an ep of Jersey Shore but only with a murder and you have episode 5 of season 9. Is nothing fresh anymore? why does everything...
  2. delkolover

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Yes I did read all the spoilers. Try not to double post unless it has been 24 hrs and your is still the last post....if you want to post something new use the edit button.
  3. delkolover

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Episode 904.... This episode brings back an old nemesis of Horatio and Eric's. Meemo Fierro, the man who shot and killed Marisol has escaped from prison. Memmo steals a boat in the marina and beaches it near an area where his girlfriend lives. At first it seems he is just fleeing but Memmo...
  4. delkolover

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    I think it is going to be fun to see what the writers come up with in terms of covering her bump! I know I will be paying closer attention to what she stands behind, next to or even wears! I am still of the mind of though that it shouldn't matter....they shouldn't have to go to extremes to cover...
  5. delkolover

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    I did thank you! I saw and read the spoilers last night like I said but was just soo exhausted and little tipsy that I didn't have the energy or the soberness to post them and I figured "what was one more day?" :lol: I knew you guys were anxious for them so as soon as I finished unpacking I went...
  6. delkolover

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    I too agree that right now is not the best time for them to have a baby. While I totally want them to eventually get married and have kids, right now it not the best time. As you have said, they still have trust issues and overall for the show I just don't see it working. Mainly b/c CSI NY worte...
  7. delkolover

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Ok these spoilers came out last night but I was on vacation so I couldn't post them until now. 903...Don't know the title The episode is about the kidnapping of a wealthy family's daughter. Lindsay Preston is kidnapped b/c her mother Claire told someone that the money her husband earns is...
  8. delkolover

    CSI: Miami is moving to Sunday at 10PM!

    I am pretty sure that shows like the CSI's when renewed are already renwed at a certain amount of episodes for the next season. The exact number may vary but I think when the season starts the number of eps there are going to be is already set is stone so to speak. The only shows that CBS...
  9. delkolover

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    Thank you so much for posting! That was truly a great, inspiring and uplifting story. Not many actresses are the type of people they portray on tv but over the years I have read many articles about her and learned that Emily is exactly the type of loving, caring, compassionate and down to...
  10. delkolover

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Acid would be cool but they did the pool filled with acid back in season 7. And the victim in 902 "Sudden Death" is killed by being drowned by champagne. Basically the murderer force feeds the victim the entire bottle! And idk if this has been mentioned...I am too lazy to go back however...
  11. delkolover

    CSI: Miami is moving to Sunday at 10PM!

    I'm not sure how I feel about this move to Sunday nights. I mean yes the ratings slipped last season and it lost to Castle a few times but I don't think that it was time for CBS to panic and move it to Sunday of all days...simply to make room for Hawaii Five O anvetted show. CBS obviously has a...
  12. delkolover

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Sorry to disappoint...but didn't see anything in either ep about E/C...they work the cases together but it seems like the writers are trying to get back to ways of old and having everyone work with everyone at different times. Like Eric and Ryan working one scene together then Ryan is with...
  13. delkolover

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Ok so spoilers coming fast right now.... Ep 902 untitled at this time is about a rising football star Brady Jennings who is on the verge of being the number on draft pick and therefore on the edge of a very big pay day. And yet, he is a little overwhelmed and humbled by it all. He is at a...
  14. delkolover

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Yup read the same thing! It sounds like it will actually turn out to be a rather touching "team/family" type of scene. Hopefully it will visually be as good as the reading was!
  15. delkolover

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Well we have the first spoilers for season 9 and they are well, kind of expected and not really all that much right now.... Title of the ep is unknown at this point but what we do know is....the episode picks up right where it left off except we are with Horatio as he and Frank rush back to...