Recent content by Deirdre

  1. Deirdre

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Hey guys! I know, you haven't seen me for ages. So anyway, I'm getting updates about CSI and I hope in next season more Greg... Yeah, I'm wishing it and wishing like we all but with no effects. Let's hope...
  2. Deirdre

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #5

    Tori Amos, "Abnormally Attracted to Sin": 1) Give 2) Welcome to England 3) Strong Black Vine 4) Flavor 5) Not Dying Today 6) Maybe California 7) Curtain Fall 8) Fire to Your Plain 9) Police me 10) That Guy
  3. Deirdre

    European Parliament Election 2009

    Seriously? We voted (actually, still voting, couple of minutes to go) for individual candidates, only one... but well, at the end they'll count votes on the particular parties. That will never happen. Big countries want to be strong and they will. EU is EU but still, everybody cares only...
  4. Deirdre

    Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Voting Up!! 100x100: 11 10 8 140x140: 4
  5. Deirdre

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #5

    Incubus, "Light Grenades" (my Incubus days, lol): 1) Quicksand 2) A Kiss to Send Us Off 3) Dig 4) Anna Molly 5) Love Hurts 6) Light Grenades 7) Earth to Bella pt1 8) Oil and Water 9) Diamonds and Coal 10) Rogues 11) Paper Shoes 12) Pendulus Threads 13) Earth to Bella pt2
  6. Deirdre

    European Parliament Election 2009

    I'm young and euro-sceptic. We can't generalise that young people are always pro-EU 'cause it's not like that. I know many people in my age, a bit younger and a bit older, who are euro-sceptics. I started as a person who wanted country to be in EU. But let's face it - no one will help you with...
  7. Deirdre

    Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 12-Marilyn Monroe-Results

    Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up" Least: 4 - it's too blurry and not enough contrast 19 - nice idea but effect is too blurry Best: 24 - nice cropping and coloring 2 - great dark coloring, nice cropping
  8. Deirdre

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #5

    Incubus, "Make Yourself": 1) Privilege 2) Nowhere Fast 3) Consequence 4) The Warmth 5) When It Comes 6) Stellar 7) Make Yourself 8) Drive 9) Clean 10) Battlestar Scralatchtica 11) I Miss You 12) Pardon Me 13) Out From Under
  9. Deirdre

    European Parliament Election 2009

    Sunday is our day for voting too. And of course, I'll go vote. I picked which party but not sure who. In my own region I know hardly anyone. Tommorow someone will have luck if vote for him/her. I decided to vote for something which you can call... hmm... The Conservatives but for sure, it's not...
  10. Deirdre

    LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.23 - Actors - Results!

    Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.20 - For Warrick - Voting! 100x100: 3 6 11 1 140x140: 2 5
  11. Deirdre

    [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - Textures - Results!

    Re: [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - b&w w/ a pop of color~ Results! Congrats to all the winners! Great job:D
  12. Deirdre

    Signature Banner Challenge #20 - Miami: No Screencaps - Results!

    Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #8-Miami: Head ~ Results! Congrats to all the winners! Awesome job:D
  13. Deirdre

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #21

    And next great ideas how to make Love canon! All are great and I have problems with voting for a particular one:lol: It would be great make them canon in last ep like you all said - no chances for damiging this great relationship. Now in my head are all your ideas:lol: Hmmm... I like the...
  14. Deirdre

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #7: A Beautiful Soul

    Thank you so much, KC for the pics:D
  15. Deirdre

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #21

    It's so great to see soooo much life here! Awesome discussions and again I don't know what to say:lol: Lovely idea about songs but to be honest, personally I don't have any songs which are for me connected with The Love. But cool idea in general so I'll check out your songs, guys. Thanks for...