Recent content by daisymay

  1. daisymay

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    David hardly needs me to fight his corner, but I'll sticks my two cents worth in... He is brilliant and he is dedicated. I firmly believe that the one person with a strong grip on Horatio's character is David himself. If Horatio comes over now as world-weary and defeated (and I'm not necessarily...
  2. daisymay

    SAVE CSI: MIAMI!!!!!

    We can but hope it's total rubbish then....
  3. daisymay

    Episode 10x19 - 'Habeas Corpse' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Completely disagree! There IS no CSI Miami without Horatio and I think even CBS has said that. No David, no series, or something to that effect. As for his heart not being in it... he works with what is written, and if it's not on the page, there's not a lot he can do about it. But half-hearted...
  4. daisymay

    SAVE CSI: MIAMI!!!!!

    Re: HELP SAVE CSI MIAMI BY WRITING/EMAILING CBS See no reason why he should accept this though he might for a few episodes, if only to give it his preferred ending. Personally, I think someone's setting him up to be the fall guy if there is no renewal.
  5. daisymay

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    I don't see why he should, but I guess he might for a reduced season, if only to give the show the ending he's always said he wanted. But I'm suspicious about this rumor - it smacks of setting up an excuse - blaming him - if there isn't a renewal.
  6. daisymay

    Episode 10x19 - 'Habeas Corpse' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Well.... I enjoyed it. I read some of the comments on here before watching it, and thought the worst, but I think it was good. As an episode it was outstanding, and I still think they are the best writers on the show. It had some great scenes, particularly with H and Ryan, and with H and Sam...
  7. daisymay

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    No good at links so you'll have to find it, but brief comments from Ann Donahue about renewal, says she's 'not worried'. Go to and search on CSI Miami...
  8. daisymay

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    Ditto, and I'm sure the cast feels the same.
  9. daisymay

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    Completely agree! Everyone who's been concerned about Ryan should watch. Yes, I suspect it's the last scene. I found myself with a fond smile on my face, but a feeling of sadness, watching actors doing the best they could to say goodbye, if indeed they have to. Watched it a couple more times -...
  10. daisymay

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    I accept how hard it must be to write a finale not knowing if it's going to be the last ever. All I would say is that it's got two of their best writers on it, and spoilers are ALWAYS misleading. And a finale has (almost by definition) got to end with Horatio. Whether he's pulling his team...
  11. daisymay

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    As usual 'not available in UK'. Would some kind person let me know when it's somewhere more accessible? Thanks!
  12. daisymay

    Which CSI: Miami character are you most like?

    Me? Frank Tripp. (I think my natural aggression came through... )
  13. daisymay

    The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

    Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread Thank you for that. 'Deputy Commissioner' sounds suitably senior... I'll give it some thought!
  14. daisymay

    Episode 10x18 - 'Law & Disorder' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Gave it a B+. Liked it more by the end than when I started. Too much Sam, not enough H. Really enjoyed Malcolm McDowell, especially his scenes with David. Don't like the team being 'played' by a clever lawyer, but it could happen - they could have got complacent, and H may be guilty of not...
  15. daisymay

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    Well, they've employed Malcolm McDowell, and his scenes are likely to be with Horatio... I still don't understand the end of that O'Hare interview. It just doesn't seem to make sense. I'm sure I'm reading too much into it, but it seems to suggest negotiations not going well. Yet David's been...