Recent content by CSIsPuddingCup

  1. CSIsPuddingCup

    Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Plenilunio- ((about the spoiler)) oh yeah, i totally got angry too. i stopped watching NY for awhile. haha. ohhh weellll. and im mad at them again. hahah. Debbie. you made me sad with the snow picture. hahaha. i hate WI and if i see any more snow i'm going to-... haha. im just really sick of...
  2. CSIsPuddingCup

    Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    well here i am. i'm back from a verrrrrrrrrrrrrry long hiatus. if you remember me, i am kelsey. and debbie made me come back. hahahha. ohhh boy its been awhile. and i havn't heard anything about the spoilers i must say.
  3. CSIsPuddingCup

    Photos #6 - Lights, Camera, 'Snap'!

    everyone is just so pretty :p heres some from the 4th of july. me and my friends being silly. i'm in the middle :P 4 teens on a hammock. don't worry, it didn't break :D ((in the sumglasses. haha.))
  4. CSIsPuddingCup

    Mac/Stella #11 - 'Cause He Has An Extra Room

    Re: Mac/Stella #11 woo. new thread. shouldnt we have a poll of somthing? i'll bring my gifts once we have a new name =]
  5. CSIsPuddingCup

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" ohh goodness =p i knew there would be some laughs with the whole penguin thing, but a thread dedicated to it? :p wow. who knew? :P yeah i do that too. dunno why. those are all my ships but i havnt watched CSI: LV or Miami and a very long time...
  6. CSIsPuddingCup

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" i kept forgetting to come in here =p maan i've been busy. my best friend just broke up with her boyfriend who also happens to be one of my good friends too. ahh. :(:borg: *giggles* remind me to save my penguin case into a word document so we dont need...
  7. CSIsPuddingCup

    [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #36: Leading Ladies ~ Now Open!

    Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #27: Season in Review ~ Results! oh wow. recogniton award? *blushes* everyone did such a great job :] congrats.
  8. CSIsPuddingCup

    Guilty Pleasures

    hahahahah goodness... -chocolate -the sims 2 -chocolate -CSI:NY -chocolate -music -chocolate -texting... -chocolate -reading fanfics -chocolate -sitting on the computer all day -chocolate -facebook and myspace... -chocolate -80s and 90s music :D -chocolate -Money Honey - State of Shock...i...
  9. CSIsPuddingCup

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

    to my friends L, J, and A: stop it. this little argument that you guys are having has gotten out of hand. i'm trying to remain neutral. L's not going to give so J and A, give up. J and A are not going to give in either, so L GIVE UP. i dont want to be around you guys anymore because of this...
  10. CSIsPuddingCup

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" if only i started getting tv guide a little sooner =[ oh wells. awww vave! i want a pet penguin now =[ that vid. of the shopping penguin was sooo cute! i'm pretty sure i've seen that on Animal Planet too tho =p haha love this topic =p and are...
  11. CSIsPuddingCup

    [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #36: Leading Ladies ~ Now Open!

    Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #27: Season in Review ~ Voting! Beg 9 4 12 Adv 16 4 12 these are all really amazing! =]
  12. CSIsPuddingCup

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" maan that does sound like it sucks.. we made up this family "curse" thing. we always. no matter when, ALWAYS get stuck in Detriot ((sp?)) i hate airports... annyy whooooo. i used this. hahahaha so...
  13. CSIsPuddingCup

    The photos of the day!

    wolfesgamergirl- + shes very cute. no one can resist a Badgers fan!:lol: and the red against green makes her really stand out. -the top of her head is cut off a little. heres one of my kitty, Sofi outside on the deck
  14. CSIsPuddingCup

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" i can't keep up with you young chaps. =[ :rolleyes::pjkjk Mac/Stella #11 - The Thing About Penguins... =] i loooove Down the Rabit Hole. haha. speaking of which... ((animations not THAT good...but bear with me. i dont have a cool high tech...
  15. CSIsPuddingCup

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" maaaan you guys post a lot =p first of all. Anj's avie made me do a double take! haha. nice =p loooooooove all the fan art Bon! haha welcome to the fan art buisness. :lol: awww Debbie. that pic made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! =] lmao...