Recent content by CSINYADDICT99

  1. C

    Quiz Thread #5

    CSI:NY Quizzes I just thought I would post this thread with some links to some CSI:NY quizzes so that you can see what you get and you can post comments and scores on here. Good Luck! :D Trivia: Character Trivia...
  2. C

    Grade 'Life Sentence'

    I would've given it an 'A' but still... I thought it was a really good episode and I loved the opening but what annoyed me wsa the skipping ten minutes into the future. I think it would have been great for Mac to be checking everyone, Don and Jo arriving all like 'what the hell happened in...
  3. C

    Grade 'Nothing For Something'

    I gave it an 'A' I absolutely loved Flack's line 'The lullaby's a bit creepy, but the milk and cookies could work' I also liked Jo kicking Mac out of the crime scene but i thought it would've better suited Stella. Adam was brilliant as usual. I really liked the plot line and I'm looking forward...
  4. C

    Unlikly lines or scenes that would be brilliant :)

    Hey, my friend suggested this thread but didn't have an account so I decided I would make it instead and I think it is brilliant. Basically anyone can suggest a certain line or scenario that they would find funny, emotional or, just in general, great. For instance; They turn up at an ultra clean...
  5. C

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    Two brilliant ones happened to me at school yesterday. Firstly: in chemistry we are starting a topic on instrumental analysis and my teacher asked if anyong knew what a mass spectrometer was. My friend Katherine who also watches csi just turned round and grinned at me. We couldn't stop lauhing...
  6. C

    Who is your least favorite character?

    Re: Who is your most unfavorite character? Speaking as a true british citizen, I can say with some reassurance that that is the true British accent so don't be mean to us awesome Brits. Btw everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I am merely expressing mine and not putting down anyone...
  7. C

    Which episode was that?

    Hey, another one for you; Does anyone know which episode is the one where Adam says something in computer babble and Danny says to someone 'what the computer nerd is tying to say is...' Thank you :)
  8. C

    Grade 'Food For Thought'

    well i am finally back from holiday so i can give my comments. B Good points- -mac and adam/mac and sid -plot line a really good case -flack scenes - 'on second thoughts, i'm not hungry' -mac's talk with sheldon -danny's slow turn around 'i'm not pregnant, just hungy' Bad points...
  9. C

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    You read this thread get an idea and then carry it out. so now my best friend is 333 on my mobile. ALSO this is really annoying me as i am english but i keep on using american language.n I say cell instead of phone, sidewalk instead of pavement. but the worst is when i said debris like an...
  10. C

    Grade 'Identity Crisis'

    I for one absolutly loved this ep. Definatly my fav of the season. I laughed at the scene with Adam, danny, lindsey and mac and rewatched it three times and still fell off my chiar. AJ and carmine are so funny together. I liked the storyline and the plot was good. I was also very impressed by...
  11. C

    Which episode was that?

    Does anyone know how to get onto the Eddie Cahill commentary from the half box set. I cant find it and it's driving me mad. Or does anyone know where it is on the internet. Thanks ;)
  12. C

    Which episode was that?

    Thanks again :)
  13. C

    Which episode was that?

    Which one is it where Mac yells at Adam after he's done Stella's HIV test? Thanks
  14. C

    Favpurite Character (proper one)

    (SORRY ABOUT OTHER ONE) There's an opposite of this thread and I think this would show CSI:NY in a more positive light. Your favourite chracter can be major, minor, victim or villan. Whatever you want just give the name and say why. Also I dont know where else to post this but I made a CSI:NY...
  15. C

    Favourite Character of CSI:NY ;)

    There's an opposite of this thread and I think this would show CSI:NY in a more positive light. Your favourite chracter can be major, minor, victim or villan. Whatever you want just give the name and say why. Also I dont know where else to post this but I made a CSI:NY uiz and I need people's...