Recent content by csinut

  1. C


    WoooHooo, He's back! Hotter than ever, I must add!! :drool:
  2. C

    Ask William Petersen Your Questions

    Hi Billy! What is your favorite Grissom scene of all time? What will you miss most about the character? Lynn O. Boston, Ma
  3. C

    "For Warrick" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "For Warrick" Season Premiere Discussion *SPOILERS* This was such a great ep! I bawled the first 20 minutes or, so...then recovered awhile, then bawled the last 10! OMG, the look Grissom had on his face when Catherine came to the alley and started sobbing...BP can convey so much emotion...
  4. C

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    Damn politics! I need some fresh CSI! :scream: cca, if any of them had any reason to go nuts, it would be Nick. With having a gun pulled on you, being stalked by the cable guy, being buried alive and coming thisclose to killing himself, it think that's enough to push anybody over the edge. As...
  5. C

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    I think that it would be a good change of pace for the writers to do the old switcheroo, and have Nick be the one that's in control of his emotions and have Grissom be the emotional mess. It would be nice it if they also had Nick catch the undersheriff. Maybe Grissom will blame himself for...
  6. C

    Petersen To Leave 'CSI'

    Well, I've been expecting this for awhile now, but, man, I'm bummed! :( Although I will continue to watch, I just don't think it'll be the same w/o him. Hopefully, tptb will have some good storylines for the remaining originals, and maybe the newbies will add some interesting dynamics to the show.
  7. C

    Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

    Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position??? Destiny, heh heh... I like your thinking about Keppler ;) I actually liked his character (the few eps he was in) and wouldn't have minded if he had become a recurring character. But now that Grissom will be leaving *heart breaks*, I would LOVE him to come...
  8. C

    Who would you want to save your life?

    Definetly Grissom. If he was busy, Nick.
  9. C

    "Two and a Half Deaths" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Thanks, PrincessJ88, I thought I missed something there for a minute...:)
  10. C

    "Two and a Half Deaths" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I actually thought it was pretty funny, although the tampon thing was a little much. The 'jump the shark'/Fonzi comments with Brass and Grissom was great as was Grissom holding the Emmy asking Bud what it was. The ep itself was what it was, the case wasn't exactly riveting but I didn't expect...
  11. C

    who would you like to see?

    I would love to see Alan Rickman in an episode! (He was Hans Gruber in Die Hard and Professor Snape in the Harry Potter movies.) This guy is such an awesome actor!
  12. C

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Gilsgal, I abosolutely love your avatar! :drool: And I agree that the whole ep was a big, huge Gil/Billy eye candy fest...So, I really felt the need to watch the whole ep again! Whoever invented on demand, thank you! I loved seeing him in different clothes! The robe, the suit...nice! ;)
  13. C

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    I'd like to see him in a episode of 'House'. I'd like to see those two have a debate on ethics. Besides, a Gil Grissom-Greg House sandwich is never a bad thing! Or on Law and Order: SVU. I 'd like to see how Grissom would handle Stablers outward emotions.
  14. C

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    Right now I'm reading The Pillars of The Earth by Ken Follet. It's very long, almost 1,000 pages, but it's a good story, especially if you're into history.
  15. C


    Wow! It's nice to see Yankees and Red Sox fans co-existing peacefully in the same forum.. :) As another Red Sox fan, thanks exit 8A, for the kind words-it's much appreciated. I too agree that Scott Boras is a scumbag for announcing A-Frauds free agency during game 7. I guess that proves what...