Recent content by CSIMandy

  1. CSIMandy

    CSI:Miami is cancelled.

    Had a feeling this would happen and I think the show did too which is why the season didn't end in a cliffhanger. The ending did make it seem like this was it.
  2. CSIMandy

    Episode 10x19 - 'Habeas Corpse' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I was shocked to see this was the season finale, it wasn't bad but definately was not as strong as previous ones have been
  3. CSIMandy

    10x12 - 'Friendly Fire' - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Glad I'm not alone, I don't trust her either. I totally agree about Eric and Ryan. I was wondering if the writers would remember these two have been here done that before with Natalia, glad it was acknowledged. Eric is a sweetheart and he and Ryan have come such a long way from where they...
  4. CSIMandy

    10x05 - 'Killer Regrets' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I really liked this week's episode, its the first I've enjoyed since the season started. I loved the way Calleigh handled O'Shay when she found out they interferred with her vehicle, I love her no nonsense attitude. Calleigh has never been one to be afraid to tell it like it is, good to have her...
  5. CSIMandy

    Episode 10x2 - 'Stiff' - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I liked this episode better than the first. Poor Ryan got teased about the floating hat but glad Walter proved this wasn't just in Ryan's mind Poor Natalia, she meets a cute guy who asks her out only to be a bad guy Calleigh in another fire but this time she is ok. Glad she wasn't hurt...
  6. CSIMandy

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    OMG Pippa is sooo cute! I love when she is waving to everyone, adorable!! Found this on US magazine website
  7. CSIMandy

    Episode 10x01 - 'Countermeasures' ***CONTAINS SPOIILERS***

    The episode was ok, I've seen better. Things I liked: Even though there were some scenes where it was Super H to the rescue, I like that they showed that he was not ok. He even admitted it at the end My favorite scene of this episode was between Calleigh and Austin, he wanted to stay...
  8. CSIMandy

    Episode 9x21 - 'G.O.' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Saw this episode, it was good. I felt really bad for Neal. Some parts were predictable but still interesting to watch. I can't believe the season finale is next week, the promo looks good! This season went by really fast!
  9. CSIMandy

    Episode 9x19 - 'Caged' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Not a bad episoide, towards the ending it got predictable but overall better than previous episodes. I miss Emily, it was great to see her in the beginning but I can't wait to see more of her.
  10. CSIMandy

    Episode 9x18 About Face ****SPOILERS****

    The episode was too predictable, I knew what would happen when Natalia got kidnapped and I knew that guy who wanted reward money was the killer. I am glad Ryan is getting a new love interest even though I am not a fan of their pairing yet, there is still time for them to grow on me. I...
  11. CSIMandy

    9x16 - 'Hunting Ground' - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    I liked this episode, lots of Ryan which I always enjoy and Natalia really kicked ass in this episode! I loved how she handled that jerk who was flirting with her Usually I am against H taking the law into his own hands but I have to admit I was tempted to watch him shoot that creep for what...
  12. CSIMandy

    Episode 9x15 - 'Blood Lust' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Good episode, although mid way I figured who the killer would be so that took away some of the excitement for the episode. Still a good one nonetheless.
  13. CSIMandy

    9x14 - 'Stoned Cold ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I got it on Channel 20, CTV has done that in the past so I knew where to look this time. The episodes are usually available online on I really liked this episode and I am glad the episode showed the effects of bullying, like the student who tried to kill himself. I don't blame the...