Recent content by csilovegrissom

  1. C

    "The Chick Chop Flick Shop" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Was the girl screaming Wendy from the lab? It really looks like her and definitely looks like her nose. Looks like a really fun and scary episode :devil: I laughed loads in the promo. :lol: Wasn't Grissom sat behind his desk when he said 'Whats the matter with you?' It looks like Catherine...
  2. C

    UK Season 7 LV Ep Discussions

    Yeah i mean i know that Mickey knew that YOUNG catherine was his daughter but i mean recognising her when she is much older - but i guess its cos obv her name was mentioned at some point wen she introduced herself Sorry i am being a dumbass lol
  3. C

    Name That Episode #2

    Correcto!!!!!!!!!! Well done ur turn
  4. C

    Name That Episode #2

    Yippee! OK next one, and its gotta be Doc RObbins :D Doc RObbins - 'With exhumations, you always hope for a good embalmer.......'
  5. C

    UK Season 7 LV Ep Discussions

    I thought it was a great epi - Roger Daltry was wicked, i agree about the accent but i kind of expected it and found it quite sexy! :p My fave part obviously is the Doc RObbins kicking paparazzi butt - YOU GO DOC! The nerve of that guy but at least it helped Doc notice the glowing bones under...
  6. C

    Name That Episode #2

    Is it LIVING LEGEND? - When Doc Robbins catchs the Paparazzi guy?
  7. C

    UK Season 7 LV Ep Discussions

    Really good episode I loved how Nick and Warrick were there for Greg and came up with putting the jury 'behind' the wheel of the car. I also loved when The judge said about Gregs drinking and Greg did all that math to tell them it wouldnt have effected him - He is so clever and Smart GO...
  8. C

    Continuity Issues? *Some Spoilers*

    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but the guy who shoots Brass in Bang Bang appeared in another episode as a totally different Character. He was Stanley Hunter in CAged (the boss in the library) also. Did they think noone would notice?
  9. C

    Liev/Keppler Thread #1

    Re: Keppler I agree no one can take over Grissom and i missed him loads but i really really liked Keppler. When i found out that Grissom was leaving for some episodes i was gutted and vowed to hate the person who takes over him. I tried i really did and although i wasn't too keen on Keppler in...
  10. C

    What got you hooked?

    My mum used to watch crime shows ( i say used to cos now she cant get to the tv because i am watchin csi lol). I watched one or two but didnt really pay an interest then i dont know i think i saw an advert/picture of grissom pinning sara to the wall and thought 'well that looks interesting.....'...
  11. C

    UK Season 7 LV Ep Discussions

    Its a great name lol - I wander if they actually say the name in the episode! Can u imagine Grissom saying it? lol hilarious
  12. C

    UK Season 7 LV Ep Discussions

    I thought it was a really great episode. It was easy to watch and very different and i like it when they do that. My fave storyline was the guy who came back from Iraq and met his daughter for the first time. It was really sad but i loved how happy he was that he had met his daughter and that...
  13. C

    UK Season 7 LV Ep Discussions

    I have seen them before but so excited about seeing them officially!!! WOOHOO! 1hr and 30 mins to go
  14. C

    "Leaving Las Vegas" Discussion **Spoilers**

    I haven't seen all of the episode yet, only the clips from grissomsararomance. :( Hodges was absolutely hilarious, i found myself chuckling for ages after i saw the clip :lol: - I think the actor plays him brilliantly and you can always count on him to ease the tension - even thou sometimes i...