Recent content by CSIL3Willows

  1. CSIL3Willows

    Gil <3 Cath #31: Purejoy - Sexing Up Sin City!

    I found the clip. Thanks SOOOO much!!! I didn't think it was possible, but it made me love the bow tie scene even more!! And can we just mention the 'handsome' comment???? Why the hell did they cut it out?? LOL! CSIL3Willows -x-
  2. CSIL3Willows

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Essay done. Here's a little Thanksgiving present for ya! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Gil shut the door behind him as he entered the room, his eyes falling on Catherine’s form. She was on her side facing away from the door. His heart broke as her...
  3. CSIL3Willows

    Gil <3 Cath #31: Purejoy - Sexing Up Sin City!

    I think I read somewhere that Billy adlibbed the 'tush' line from 'King Baby', so Marg's reaction was completely genuine LOL! I would love to see bloopers from the bow tie scene. I know there are some out there, but I can never seem to find them *pout* Anyone have any idea where they might...
  4. CSIL3Willows

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Hey guys. I know I've been slack, but here's a bit more ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greg, Nick, Emma and Sarah sat outside Catherine’s room, listening to the sporadic muffled sobs from the overwrought woman inside, having witnessed Gil’s abrupt...
  5. CSIL3Willows

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Hey guys. I'm really sorry it's taken me so long. Things have been nuts and crazy and stupid and horrible... Anyway, here's the next part from me! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Gil entered the room all three heads turned, smiling a greeting...
  6. CSIL3Willows

    Gil <3 Cath #31: Purejoy - Sexing Up Sin City!

    I totally agree with everything you guys are saying! Was kinda disappointed there was nothing from him after the whole rabies thing in 'The Gone Dead Train'... but I suppose I can let him off as she wasn't at death's door or anything. *cough* shameless plug *cough* may get in trouble for this...
  7. CSIL3Willows

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Hey guys! Here's the next part from me!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Gil had hung up with Nick he called Greg. The younger man’s excitement was palpable over the line; he’d obviously been extremely concerned about Catherine. He’d...
  8. CSIL3Willows

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    It sure as hell better NOT be Catherine!!!! I was ok about Sara leaving, slightly upset but dealt with Warrick being killed and I've just come to terms with Griss leaving... If they kill Catherine I will never watch the show again... And that's my two cents spent CSIL3Willows -x-
  9. CSIL3Willows

    Fanfic Request/Ideas, Recommendation & Showcase

    Re: Fanfiction Request, Reccomendation, & Showcase Just started writing a new fic. Title: Sober Author: Lily-Starbuck (me) Rating: M Summary: It's amazing, the effect alcohol can have. Grillows pairing Warnings: Sexual content Link: Let me know...
  10. CSIL3Willows

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Hey guys, Shameless self plug here lol! Just started a new fic, 'Sober' Was a bit wary about actually posting it on here, given it's my first foray into more... adult themes lol. It's Grillows (obv) If you wanna read it, here's the link Let me...
  11. CSIL3Willows

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Thanks! I was really worried that everyone would've gotten fed up with the lack of postage! I wrote it last night listening to some really depressing music for inspiration! Glad you liked it. I'll get onto CathWillows10 for the next update! CSIL3Willows -x-
  12. CSIL3Willows

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Hey guys. Sorry for the LOONG gap, but I just moved and have had every Internet problem you can think of! Fortunately it's all up and running again now, so I can post!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gil sat alone in Catherine’s room, the...
  13. CSIL3Willows

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

    More Lawrence Fishburne centric??? Is that even possible after last season?? Do they honestly think that they're going to win back the viewers they lost when Billy Petersen left by (well put by NickyFan) shoving Langston down everybodies throats??? They may as well get rid of Marg, George...
  14. CSIL3Willows

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

    Ok. Just watched the extended promo about 15 times in quick sucession (the last five with the sound off because the scream makes me cringe) and from the position of Cath and "the dummy" when it's shot, in theory Cath shouldn't get hit by that bullit. It passes through "the dummy's" shoulder and...
  15. CSIL3Willows

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Ok guys. Here's some more! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first thing Nick saw when he entered the waiting room was Grissom and Lindsey huddled together on the couch. His former boss had an arm securely wrapped around the young woman’s shoulders...