Recent content by CSIAnnStokes

  1. CSIAnnStokes

    Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

    Ok, I'll give a shot at reviving this thread... There is a serial killer terrorising NYC. The CSI has already started the investigation on the case but just can't prove that the suspect is guilty..... Mac is sitting in his office with a magic 8-ball in his hand Mac: "Is Paul Monticello the...
  2. CSIAnnStokes

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    You know you watch too much CSi: NY when..... you buy a NYPD sweater in New York, imagine Flack has given it to you and wear it at least twice a week.....^^
  3. CSIAnnStokes

    Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

    Happy Birthday to my gorgeous hubby-dear.....You know I'll always love you, darlin.
  4. CSIAnnStokes

    What Mechandise Do You Have?

    Re: What Merchandise Do You Have? I've got the second half of season three of CSI:LV Further I have a Grave Danger DVD, the Game CSI: Hard Evidence and I just ordered this special CSI iPod (or how I call it CSIPod ;)) I hope I can extend my collection :D
  5. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

    Oops! Sorry, I'll change that.
  6. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

    my last batch: lawn Liev Schreiber (in the corner) Lilac dress (no, Nick is not wearing it ;)) Lines on his shirt lounging Lights (Wanna swap places with Cath :devil:)
  7. CSIAnnStokes

    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    Doc Robbins, while examining a body: "I hate this job. All these dead people and the smell, it's just disgusting!" Grissom: "Then why are you doing this? You could just quit." Doc Robbins: "I like to slice people up" *looking pleased at Grissom* Grissom: "No, don't look at me like this!"...
  8. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

    next batch: laughing leaning looking adorable ;) lip biting licking lips (yay, that are even two l!) Lashes, lamp, lvpd, latex, choose what you want ;)
  9. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

    My first batch: lickable ;) latex glove Las Vegas Polive Department :rolleyes: long sleeve shirt leather jacket laps Tell me, if there are any dupes :)
  10. CSIAnnStokes

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    Here in Switzerland they sometimes run double episodes, but only very old ones. And Kill Ari they didn't even broadcast in the correct order! I mean, how dumb can someone be? And we're always minimum a half to a whole season behind. I can't stand that. Especially the synchrone voices are -...
  11. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

    I would definitely open the door *purr*. But perhaps I'd close it right away again, because I'd think I was going insane :rolleyes: or just pull him in and lock the door :devil: I never say no to something like this or that knocking at my door... :censored: (Oh how I love this censored smiley...
  12. CSIAnnStokes

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 They're already looking for replacements? That's cruel! I mean all fans are still in shock and they just go on as if nothing happened. I hope they don't kill him, because then we have the chance to see him again, like Sara. I still can't believe it.
  13. CSIAnnStokes

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 I read it yesterday and I'm still dazed. It's a shock, that CSI is going to lose another character. If he's really going, I'm gonna miss him. Warrick was always somehow the one that kept the team together. And for sure I'm gonna miss these...
  14. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#23

    Congratulations on winning blackflag! Have fun with Nick! Some random Nickyness for everyone Why don't we have this kind of weather?
  15. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#23

    Fixed it, should work now. All those buzz pics are making me all buzzy :drool: