Recent content by CSI_mania

  1. C

    LIMS Round 3:The Ultimate Test of Creativity-LIMS Winner Up!

    Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity I sent mine last night too.Guhh that was hard I made like 7 icons but still I don't like what I did! :lol:
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    LIMS Round 3:The Ultimate Test of Creativity-LIMS Winner Up!

    Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity Congrats to csi_fan_uk :) See you next LIMS Still_RIP_Speed and csimonkey!
  3. C

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge- CSI's With Cellphones Congratulations to the winners! awesome icons! quoth_the_raven I loove your icon!
  4. C

    Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #8 Winners Up! Congrats to everyone! awesome icons!
  5. C

    The Oscars 2008

    Re: The Oscars 2007 I think Ellen was the best part of OSCAR! She was awesome and hilarious!!! :lol:
  6. C

    CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    [12]CSI MIAMI icons [8]CSI:NY icons [49]CSI icons [17]House icons [6]CSI/CSI:NY FO banners [1]Jensen Ackles wallpaper +Interest icons(includin CSI/CSI:NY/CSI:MIAMI/HOUSE/SPN) more here btw congrats cinegirl :)
  7. C

    CSI: New York Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    [12]CSI MIAMI icons [8]CSI:NY icons [49]CSI icons [17]House icons [6]CSI/CSI:NY FO banners [1]Jensen Ackles wallpaper +Interest icons(includin CSI/CSI:NY/CSI:MIAMI/HOUSE/SPN) more here
  8. C

    CSI Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests.

    [12]CSI MIAMI icons [8]CSI:NY icons [49]CSI icons [17]House icons [6]CSI/CSI:NY FO banners [1]Jensen Ackles wallpaper +Interest icons(includin CSI/CSI:NY/CSI:MIAMI/HOUSE/SPN) more here
  9. C

    LIMS Round 3:The Ultimate Test of Creativity-LIMS Winner Up!

    Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity I am in!
  10. C

    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors* It's weird that I am both GSR nad Hameron shippers! I see a couple of similarities and they are my both TV OTPs!
  11. C

    Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

    great pictures Wojo! I capture some Grag caps from the latest episode! Greg1 Greg2 *EDITED: Picture exceeded the max posting size as stated in the first post on page one of this thread.*
  12. C

    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    great banners guys! cinegirl I love your animated banners :)
  13. C

    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors* Hamerony ?! :lol: thats the funniest thing I've heard today! But I am stick with House/Cameron too but wouldn't mind Cameron/House/Cuddy :D
  14. C

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill" yes they are together since 6th season finale Way To Go :)
  15. C

    Other Fandom Fanart #2 - Showcase & Requests

    Re: Other Fandom Fanart #2 letsdance awesome wallpaper!ron and hermione are my fave movie OTP!and using the wall btw :D