Hey guys, feels like i havent been here in about a gazillion years, so i just wanted to reassure everyone that I am still very much keeping the ship alive! Here in the UK, we arent experiencing many CaRWash moments as of current, but im excited for the upcoming ones! What happened in last...
"You see, i got headbutted by a cow when i was seven and have suffered memory loss ever since, and so i forgot how to tie my shoelaces". Yelina, shocked, said.....
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash
Hey guys!
gosh, i cant believe that i havent posted or visited in a year and a half! ridiculous, i know. Just thought i would let you know that i am still keeping the CaRWash alive and i will be posting more from now on, promise!
Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."
Hey Guys!
I cant believe i havent visited this forum in almost 2 years! Im still an active shipper, and after much debate, i think that that Stella and Flack belong together! Fiesta forever!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash
whoa, i keep forgetting to post here. It doesnt help that my computer is ALWAYS shutting down. Glad to know people are still here.
Wow, i really want someone to make me a banner, but i am totally stuck on how to put it on my thing. It...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash
OH.MY.GOSH. Is Calliegh really pregnant?? Please, no. That really really really wouldnt make me happy...where did you hear that, anyway? Sorry i havent posted in a while, still been busy CaRWashing. Dont worry, i stay loyal to my ship =]
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash
wow, i love CaRWash dreams. I had one also.
It was quite sad though, because Ryan Eric and Calleigh were all working this case, but Calleigh was flirting with Ryan. Then, there was this made up CSI called Dixie who was working the case too...
hey guys, havent posted one in a while. I have one. is really romantic.
Stay With Me-Danity Kane
Raindrops fall from everywhere
I reach out for you, but your not there
So i stood, waiting in the dark
with your picture in my hand
story of a broken heart
Stay with me, dont let me go
cause i...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash
ok, guys, for my recent birthday i have a complete season 3 box set..I plan a CaRWash marathon. Exactly which episodes are the good ones???
Recoil is my favourite episode and it actually HAS someone with my first and surname in it. SCAAARY
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash
i think ive seen your fic, Dutchie. whats it called?? Hope your test went okay. ; :)
O no! now i dont know what one to pic!! I think Ill use one here, one for my TV.com banner....ill decide soon. How do you put them on??
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash
WOW, thank you sooo much!! I love it!! I think i might use it... ; :D aww, lovely flirting as per usual. Thanks, Dutchie ill check it out. Nice to see you back!! Yay! CSI:Miami here tomorrow!! Is it on Mondays in the US??
Curse this 3...