Recent content by CCA

  1. CCA

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    This was such a bittersweet episode for me. Argh :( Probably won't get to see any new episodes until Christmas Exodus and that be like, one or two right? Hopefully by AIT I won't have missed to many and I'll be able to catch up rather quickly (runs around screaming) For the episode, yikes...
  2. CCA

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    Happy New Episode!!! Hope it's a good one!!!!
  3. CCA

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    You could say Great I just made it sound like I'm going to prison or jail :evil: or maybe I am :wtf: (wanted to find a way to use these guys) Yeah I'm moving, South Carolina, Ft. Jackson will be my new home for the duration until I'm done with all the training! Destiny - thanks...
  4. CCA

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    Glad you agreed with me ;). I love those two, and my it could happen. Those two alpha males...hmm you know what I am going to stop right there. :evil: :devil: or this conversation will get really :censored: hahah HAPPY NEW EPISODE TONIGHT!!! Argh, I only have a few more...
  5. CCA

    Eddie Cahill #6: Man of Our Dreams

    Dreamboat - Sometimes they capture the actor's face and make him a little more realistic and put them in the game. With Call of Duty, I don't think they'll do that. I now they did it for the actor of Star Wars Force Unleashed. The game comes out on the 9th, which I'll be buying so I will...
  6. CCA

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    There were some things that bugged me about this episode, but really I could careless. What saved the entire episode was little G-Man. You saw it coming a mile a way but it some how still made it so sweet your dang teeth were about to fall out of your head! Totally love Hotch calling him little...
  7. CCA

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    Phew! You had me scared there for a second, hahah. Glad you have those still episodes, I'm currently back into Season 5. I still have this habit of skipping episodes but that's okay!!!
  8. CCA

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    Awww that sucks. I don't think hell itself could convince me to get rid of Season 5, I loved it. Kind of makes me wish they saved the Reaper until the end of Season 5, but I'm a sucker for torture. :devil: Then again if I had it my way other thing would happen, but that is not here or there...
  9. CCA

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    Season 4, episode 2 - The Angel Maker. Loved it, because it showed some Hotch hurtness and other reasons too. Hahah didn't mean to start a thing about H/P, even though I totally love the idea of them doing it on the elevator, or the broom closet...omg there I go again, I have to get my inner...
  10. CCA

    Eddie Cahill #6: Man of Our Dreams

    OMG MY GOD...please do not be messing with me, I am a huge video gamer. Modern Warefare is my game Call of Duty...this would be like...!!! (runs around like a mad woman screaming) I haven't been watching a whole lot of CSI NY, I did tune in for a few minutes to see what my friend was screaming...
  11. CCA

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    DonPrank - omg I thought about that episode too, only I liked this one more. I liked this episode, a lot more then I thought I would. I'll place some in spoliers just in case some haven't yet to see it yet.
  12. CCA

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own! after that episode I feel like sulking and being depressed for the next week :p
  13. CCA

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    Argh! All these new spoilers out are killing me and making me more and more excited about the premire. Then again it's almost bittersweet....sheeze I'll just go work on my fanfic (kicks the desk)
  14. CCA

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    All right so I tried and tried to use the "spoiler thing, not sure if this would be considered a spoiler or not. It WASN'T working. So I was at a lost at what to do, so I figured post it.
  15. CCA

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    :( That's sweet that Gary said something. I found these pictures of her last day at work :( (sniffle) Group photo Kristen & AJ