Recent content by CathWillows10

  1. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    here's the next part! Gil turned at the sound of Greg’s voice “Yes!” he snapped The group all jumped simultaneously and shuffled out the door. Gil turned back to Catherine, there was a long silence in the room, both of them just staring at each other until Catherine spoke. “What do you mean...
  2. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Ok guys, sorry it took so long, Ive been super excuse I know...ENJOY! ******************* Sarah knocked softly on Emma’s door before opening it. “Hey Tink? You decent?” Emma chuckled “Yea, come on in” Sarah opened the door and gasped in surprise. Emma was standing up, dressed...
  3. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Hey guys! So sorry about the delay...I have been sooo busy and BLOCKED lately! it has been tough writing this i have to admit. but here it is! enjoy! Catherine’s eyes met Gil’s and he smiled at her “Hey there” She furrowed her brow in confusion “Gil?” He nodded “What are you doing here?” she...
  4. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Hey guy's sorry this took me so long! It's back to my twin now! I want to thank all of you for the reviews! I believe we have written OVER 50 pages! I dont know about Lily but this is defo the longest fic I have ever had the pleasure of writing! Enjoy! xo Leah...
  5. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    here is the next part from me! I'm going to leave it up to my twin to fix what she did lol Nick walked into Sarah’s apartment and shut the door behind him as Sarah flopped onto the couch. She groaned and kicked off her shoes. “Oh, I forgot to tell you…Bobby fired me today” Sarah said Nick...
  6. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Hey guy's! Here is then next little bit from me. The team walked in to the waiting room a few moments later. Nick was at Sarah’s side in an instant, and arm around her shoulder. “Anything?” Sarah shook her head and laid it on Nick’s shoulder. He kissed her hair and rested his chin on the top...
  7. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Soon... you guys are lucky...two updates in one day! Here's a bit from me! It took a few hours for Emma to get Catherine’s wrists undone. She started on their ankles, Emma made quick work of the ankle binds and looked at Catherine. Catherine’s eyes fluttered a bit and her head...
  8. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Getting close to a rescue...maybe...hehe ;) Nick walked back into the lab a changed man. His little talk with Sarah had lifted his spirits and it showed. “Hey guys I was just talking with Sarah” Gil’s head snapped up “Sara? You called her?” “No, she came by” Nick said “Sara’s here? In...
  9. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    lol patience....we still have a lot to explain!
  10. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    lol wait to find out, but I think you can figure that out your self by the last line
  11. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Hey everyone, here is an update! Enjoy and PLEASE REVIEW!!! xo Leah Catherine woke up in darkness. Bound by her wrists she strained to look around the dark room she was in. A voice scared her making her jump. “Hi” a young female said softly Catherine struggled to catch her breath...
  12. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    fix it? fix what? lol
  13. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    It was close to midnight when Jim returned to the hotel. His “meeting” with detective Jensen turned into dinner and then drinks. He walked up the steps to the room and turned the corner. It was then he almost had a heart attack. Sitting on the doorstep to his and Nicks room was a miniature...
  14. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    Here's chapter 11! Catherine walked up the steps to Sarah’s apartment with Nick and Brass on her heels. She rapped softly on number 42 and waited. Sarah came to the door and opened it, smiling softly at the trio “Hey there” she said stepping aside so they could enter. Catherine looked...
  15. C

    Rectification - CSI LV fic

    lol I'm working on it