Recent content by CatherineWStokes

  1. CatherineWStokes

    Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

    I'd love to see Marg and Dana singing together. Hopefully we'll get some good pictures/clips from both events.
  2. CatherineWStokes

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #9: The Perfect Mold

    Glad you like the caps. :) How about some more? We'll move onto Season 3, which means Revenge is Best Served Cold. One of the best CatNip episodes. How about a nice ass shot to start: There's something about this I just love: Some eye-sex: Some great quotes from that scene: NICK...
  3. CatherineWStokes

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #9: The Perfect Mold

    I hope we get some good scenes in Season 9 too. Seeing as how I like posting caps, I'm going back to Season 2. We didn't do Slaves of Las Vegas did we? This cap always screamed caught: Nick looking at Cath's ass? I love this conversation between them: NICK: None of this weirds me out...
  4. CatherineWStokes

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #9: The Perfect Mold

    I meant fluff. :p Apart from a couple of things we didn't get anything really good in Season 8. Hopefully Season 9 will make up for that. I do like that part in Redrum: Could you get any closer Cath? I can't help it, I love the hair flicks. Ooh there was one there too, I was too busy...
  5. CatherineWStokes

    Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

    Marg in a red bikini? :drool: That I would love to see.
  6. CatherineWStokes

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #9: The Perfect Mold

    I'd love for us to get a hug in the season opener. I could deal with just some kind of touching. I can deal with some angst but not like in Redrum. I think I'd rather have fluff. The last really good scene we got was in Living Doll. We didn't have anything like that in Season 8 did we? I...
  7. CatherineWStokes

    Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

    Can't wait to see the pictures. No matter what she wears she'll look beautiful. We missed out on pictures of Marg and Alan at the SAGs so it would be good if he went with her. :)
  8. CatherineWStokes

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #9: The Perfect Mold

    Damn you Super Dave lol. Nick looks like he wants to beat his ass: I know Leaving Las Vegas was mentioned a bit above but I watched it last night and it has to be one of the best episodes from Season 7. It doesn't take Nicky long to get right next to Catherine:
  9. CatherineWStokes

    Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

    Catherine's wardrobe has improved since Season 1, maybe she didn't get to wear high heels back then.
  10. CatherineWStokes

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #9: The Perfect Mold

    Lol it does look like that. Leaving Las Vegas is a great episode. One of the better ones from Season 7. I love that little knuckle punch at the end. Hottest episode? That's a hard one but I think I'm going to have to go with Crow's Feet for the muscle scene alone.
  11. CatherineWStokes

    Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

    I love the red hair. The Season 2 hair was really nice, but I always see that as being more blonde. Loved the cut though. I love the colour she's had her hair recently. Marg's already done the pink hair lol. Well pink highlights anyway. bubbles were you watching that on Living or FiveUS...
  12. CatherineWStokes

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #9: The Perfect Mold

    Nick always has naughty thoughts. Are we still on Season 2? Another one I really like is You've Got Male. Catherine touching Nick: They way they're looking at each other here is cute: These two like touching each other. Nick touching Cath:
  13. CatherineWStokes

    Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

    They're always so cute in interviews together. There one I really like, I think it's when they're talking about Weeping Willows. Alan is probably grateful that he has such a supportive wife. It can't be an easy time for him just now.
  14. CatherineWStokes

    Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

    Thanks for the caps, Marg looks gorgeous in them as usual. I don't have the Season 7 DVD's yet so I haven't seen any of the extras. Loco Motives was a great episode. Catherine's giggles were so cute.
  15. CatherineWStokes

    Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

    It can't be an easy time for Alan just now. Nobody wants wants a strike, especially so soon after the writers strike. Alan may be the president but the strike is the decision of the members who vote that way. I really liked Alan in Cybill and LA was the first tv show I ever loved. If there...