Recent content by Candace

  1. C

    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    I had to draw it off the computer. Down here in the basement. I hadn't drawn for quite a while when i drew that so it took me about 7 hours to do it. I was out of practice.!!! I try to get my brother to put the computer upstairs but he won't do it. So i freeze my butt off down here.!!!
  2. C

    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    Here's one i did of Nick and some other people too. My Drawings
  3. C

    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    how can you put a pic on here without havin to put in a url? it would be much simpler. just upload it or somethin.
  4. C

    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    Re: Draw A CSI Anyone? *DELETED* Post deleted by Candace