Recent content by Calleygirl

  1. C

    **Spoiler Lab** Season 7 - Get Your Daily Fix!

    lol, its not funny, but it is that i got on here pissed too that there were no promo's either, that was a cruel joke. Well I guess it just wasnt my station here in MD that airs CBS. I went back on my dvr and fast forwarded just to make sure I wasnt losing my mind and no it wasnt there. The news...
  2. C

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    Emily will be on the Bonnie Hunt Show Monday 9/29! :thumbsup:
  3. C

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    I got the latest issue of the CSI magazine, the NY one. In it they had questions & responses from a survey they did back in the volume 2 Miami one. Lol, one question was, 'Who is your favorite character?' They put 9 reponses and one of the 9 was mine, I had put 'Calleigh Duquesne - a strong...
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    CSI Magazine

    I got mine at Borders
  5. C

    CSI Magazine

    I got the magazine on the 7th and it was $9.99. I wasn't going to buy it but as i was flipping through it standing in the book store, I was reading one section that they dedicated to a survey people filled out and sent in from back in the second volume (the miami one). They picked a few...
  6. C

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    I just saw while i was on the late night TV page/talk show guest listings website that on Tuesday August 12, on Live with Regis & Kelly, that Emily will be guest co-hosting!
  7. C

    Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

    Hey everyone, been around here for a while, mostly hidden in lurkerdom and went away for a while (because while i like coming on here to find out whats going on and what everyone thinks, IMO all the lindsay discussions were really irritating me - so i left, took a break, thought about how - yes...
  8. C

    Grade 'Right Next Door'

    I love stella episodes so much, I loved the end when she was talking with jason/austin. Ahh, Danny, I dont feel bad for him at all, my loving for his character took a hit tonight and not just because he was cheating (and I just cant see him with rikki at all, it made me cringe watching that)...
  9. C

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    I got my issue of TV guide today (nov 19-dec 2) and there is an article & pic of Emily in it. I will warn SPOILERS in it, as it does talk about Nov 19's episode 'Stand Your Ground' CalleighGoesBallistic I cant wait to see Emily in this, but I will be on vacation in Germany with people who...
  10. C

    What the Writers' Strike Means to CSI: NY

    Why is it that other shows like alot of the comedies for instance have shut down production who do have at least 2 or 3 more scripts already written - I know alot of it is that some actors/producers/crew, etc.. are supporting the WGA by not crossing the picket lines or joining in but I have also...
  11. C

    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    I got the September issue of W and there was another Charriol Ad with Emily. I think its a new one, I havent seen this one before. Sorry its a little cut off W magazines' a little too big for my scanner! New Emily Charriol Ad?
  12. C

    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    I was so excited today when I finally went through my stack of magazines and I found what I believe is a different Charriol Ad then we have seen before. New Emily Charriol Ad
  13. C

    Dr. Peyton Driscoll/Claire Forlani Thread #1

    If you'all want to see Claire in something other then CSI NY, Lifetime is rerunning Nora Robert's Carolina Moon tommorrow tuesday 5/29 at 9pm and wednesday 5/30 at 2pm (eastern times). I thought it was a pretty good movie and she does a pretty good southern accent, but I am a huge Claire Forlani...
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    Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

    Here are some new Charriol Ads, i don't think anyone has posted these yet! Charriol Ad 1 Charriol Ad 2, my favorite!
  15. C


    I got the 12/4-12/10 TV guide magazine in the mail today with Melina and Gary on the cover, its posted under the spoiler thread