Recent content by CalleighCaine07

  1. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    OMFG!!!! TOTALLY AWSOME HCRAZY!!!! WOOOO love it!! hehehehe X
  2. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    Okies, i just finished another new manip... it was inspired fom my fave movie... Titanic... and yes it is "The Car" scene... but its done in tru DuCaine style... :) :P And i therw in another 2 DuCaine manips to make all happy!!! :D...
  3. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    omfg!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I loved thoes manips of urs Hcrazy!! lol especially that 2nd one... just waaayyy too cute!!!! :D :D Im working on a manip of Calleigh doing Dressage to go to my story From F to H, that i posted on 2 nights ago... :lol:
  4. C

    In Between the Scene: Going Under

    hey can you pm me this part pleez??? hehehe the Caine's are just way too cute!!! lol love Emer!! lol she's adorable!! merry chrissy!! CalleighCaine07
  5. C

    DuCaine songs--Steaming up the Radio Waves!!

    Re: Steaming up the Radio Waves...DuCaine songs! Yes i did watch it horatiosangel... hehehe im HorsieGirl... *shifty eyes* lol
  6. C

    DuCaine songs--Steaming up the Radio Waves!!

    Re: Steaming up the Radio Waves...DuCaine songs! Oh and another on that just came on is this very sweet song by Brook Fraser called Deciphering me... Deciphering me - Brook Fraser Friend, it's getting late We should be going We've been sat here beneath these flickering neons for hours while I...
  7. C

    DuCaine songs--Steaming up the Radio Waves!!

    Re: Steaming up the Radio Waves...DuCaine songs! oohhh i have a really good DuCain song that im constantly listening to on my iPod... It was featured at the end of one of the eps of CSI Miami... 4x03 "Prey", but it sooo perfectly describes their relationship to a tee... its Save Us All by Jeff...
  8. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    Weee ok guys... i've made like... 8 new DuCaine manips!!! *runs around dancing with Horatio and Calleigh* hahahaha aanndd i have officially finished Year 12!!! YAY!! Mmwwhahahaha that means i can make some more DuCaine vids and manips!!! oh btw, head over to my profile on youtube and have a...
  9. C

    DuCaine songs--Steaming up the Radio Waves!!

    Re: Steaming up the Radio Waves...DuCaine songs! hey xxcalleighxx thought that you might apreciate these lyrics for the song Understanding by Evanescence... Evanescence - Understanding "You hold the answers deep within your own mind. Consciously, you've forgotten it. That's the way the human...
  10. C

    Episode #606: 'Sunblock' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    thank ya for that delkolover!!!! I just absoluty love that song!!! :lol:
  11. C

    Episode #606: 'Sunblock' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    What was the name of the song in the end of the ep??? cause that was a really sweet song (minus the whole Jake/Calleigh hand holding scene)
  12. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    hahahaha thanks EmeraldEyes06!!! I love your work as well!! Im currently working on some more manips... *looks to the left and wistles*
  13. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    WOW!!! :eek: :eek: they were good Hcrazy!! :D say where'd you get the picks from??? :rolleyes:
  14. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    hehehe that was kool!!!! lol Good work MizzyA
  15. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    OMG OMG O M F G ! ! ! I LOVE THAT EP!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals quiet loudly* EEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHH!!! hahaha love your ones!!! lol... *adds to HUGE collection of DuCaine manips... "Save"* lol love you're work!!!! Always... and forever!!!