Recent content by Bunny

  1. B

    Loss of a member

    This is aweful news. I didn't know Jen that well, but I remember her as a talented lovely person, always kind and a good mod. My thoughts are with her family and friends.
  2. B

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    *spontaneously combusts* First of all, the hair is teh love. Secondly, how come I never really realised how downright gorgeous his eyes are?
  3. B

    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    :lol: How glad am I that we have nude beaches around here. :devil: I'd even put up with all the pensioners that crowd them beaches to get a glimpse of our Italian Stallion. That would be sooo worth it. Now, what was that about a vibrating tail? *is seriously twisted*
  4. B

    Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

    Director Jenny Shepherd? A.K.A. That red-headed flashback-chick? I absolutely hate those gratuitous (sp?) flashbacks ... *mumbles* Not another new character, please, no. Couldn't they bring in Det. 'Prada' or that other one whose name escapes me now, that was in 'Hush', I believe? [/whine] She...
  5. B

    Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketeers**

    Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee *dusts the cobwebs off the musketeers* I can't believe a whole week has passed since the lasts post. But (a whole lotta work)x(great weather) = no love for the boys. *sigh* Anyway, what I came for is to say that over on the...
  6. B

    What's Your Birthdate?/The Happy Birthday Thread #2

    Happy Birthday, jorja_fan86!! :D I hope you have a good day - and don't overdo the smutty replies. Wait, forget about that - cram as much p0rn into this day as possible!! ;)
  7. B

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    ^So, are you having your tonsils removed? :D
  8. B

    Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketeers**

    Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee Did it work? :p Well, sometimes I have to leave the gutter, but I'm always more than happy to go back into it. :devil: Did we ever find out which one of our guys is in the middle of the man-sandwich? Odds are it's Danny but Hawkes...
  9. B

    Why Lindsay Must Go

    y, but you can tell when Carmine isn't satisfied with the lines he's given. There was a scene at the beginning of the season, I think it was 'Cool Hunter' where Danny looks a the pictures of a girl and something like, 'These are some fine girls', anyway, it was a horrible line and I cringed...
  10. B

    Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketeers**

    Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee *huggles the boys* Man, I've missed this thread. Stupid university :eek: So, Danny helped Mac in trying to grab teh pimp cane? Who would've thunk... Bad, bad Danny. :devil: But also very cute Danny. He just wants to be in charge...
  11. B

    Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

    ^She did WHAT? :lol: Good for her. <That doesn't sound quite right... Did he ever reply? :lol:
  12. B

    Crazy Caption Contest

    Hawkes *talking in a soft voice*: "Don't worry, little flashlight, daddy still loves you. Don't let the big old spotlight tell you anything else, it's nothing compared to you." very random
  13. B

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    ^IMDB sucks with information,sometimes. And can't practically anyone submit personal infos as long as they have an account? But don't worry, I thought he was born in '66 for ages - and thinking he's damn hot for almost 40! :eek: I think I read in an interview that 'Hill Harper' is his...
  14. B

    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    There's weird wallpaper in the background? :p I hadn't noticed, I was focusing on his hands. :devil: Are that daisies and pebbles?
  15. B

    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    :eek: Whoah. It's getting hot in here. My brain just spontaneously combusted. Oh, boy. *fans herself* Woot!! Motorcycle? :devil: And how I love that last sentence. Thanks for posting teh hotness!