Recent content by bugladysanders

  1. B

    Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

    LOL, hey that could be instore for his character. He was so obsessed with girls he was in denial? (I'm kinda trying to be open but i have many gay friend but I'm hoping against hope that this is not so, I'll still love him!)
  2. B

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. LOL you are mad as apples!!!
  3. B

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! I'm running out now... I''l have to add more to my album....
  4. B

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    I am quite literally on the edge of my seat waiting for some info.. I may also pee my pants... (P.S. I think this is my 100th post, avatars here we come!)
  5. B

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! I'm glad you like them I aim to please!!! So without any further ado... Hard at work Strong like bull
  6. B

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. LOL indeed!!!! YKYWTMCW... you do those silly games like Jennifer Fletcher loves Eric Szmanda and you cross of all the matching letters to get numbers and come out with a percentage of how well matched you are.... :rolleyes:
  7. B

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Well it's 1.30 in the morning here in good old England... I am waiting for goss...
  8. B

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. Yeah my bro said that to me about MSN but I no care it my computer and I'm 22... lol YKYWTMCW... All your passwords have something to do with CSI in one form or another
  9. B

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. wow! I'd kill my mum if she changed anything on my computer!!! YKYWTMCW.... you search shops in a mighty rage because you can't find a poster of Eric Szmanda (but then get distracted by the lovely johnny depp ones and feel calmer)
  10. B

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Is it on yet? I neeeeeeed to know what happens its not gonna be on here till you guys have finished watching it.... *pulls up chair and waits*
  11. B

    Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

    I think Greg should have more dates! He talks about girls often... but has he had many dates?
  12. B

    Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

    LOL!!!! How about? Sara: Look I like you, it's just you have really bad breath, can I tempt you with a mint? Gum?
  13. B

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! Bless soo cute in them... Pictures to make you faint...keel right over And I'm throwing this one in coz I know we all love a semi naked guy Wash me baby! EDIT: i found this one to. He looks like he's in trouble! Shifty Greg
  14. B

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. Everyone can hug!! Lets all have a big across the world across the thread hug!