Recent content by Bryn Elizabeth

  1. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    Wow. I forgot I was supposed to be back until I heard the news and NOW I AM SUPER PISSED. Have I mentioned that Emily Prentiss is my FAVORITE CHARACTER ON TV? This upsets me, although it is typical CBS BS (Coincidence that the last two letters in CBS are "BS"? Because I don't think so). Why...
  2. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    Ooh, the one where the lady made human "dolls" was awesome, too. I was *SO* creeped out. And I also forgot to mention that the spinoff episode was the other truly bad episode of CM. No chemistry AT ALL. That is one show I am not looking forward too. GAAAH.
  3. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    1. 100. Hotch was epic. Duh. 2. Cradle to Grave Morgan held a baby. :) 3. Mosley Lane I seem to like ones with abducted kids- this one was interesting because she kept them. 4. Exit Wounds I liked them lounging around in comfy clothes. It...
  4. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    First of all, Alex, shut up. Okay, I didn't understand how they were like "This guy is the worst" when he wasn't actually that much different from other killers. Yeah, he kills in the dark, and most people are afraid of that. Sure. But the guy in 'Lucky' wins my votes for worst. *shudders*...
  5. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    I wanted my man to be in danger for once. I wanted him to get some attention. Lol. That sounds really dumb when I put it like that. But him and Emily are my favorite characters, so I was very excited about maybe having a Derek-centric episode. Or someone different having the Finale Curse. I'm...
  6. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    I heard you guys wanted me to come back. :) I need to watch this again, because, honestly, after the promo, I thought there was going to be Morgan!InDanger, so I got all excited. And then I was disappointed because that didn't really happen. :( But I'm back!
  7. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    I enjoy MGG a thousand times more than Reid. MGG says Reid changed for the better, but his low level of adorkability and major levels of angst and self-pity do not a happy Bryn make. I'm just hoping that when he comes back fully, he still maintains the same basic characterization he's had...
  8. Bryn Elizabeth

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Um... My votes are for "What Goes On Between Us is Ours", "Atta-Girl", and "I Prefer Good Boys".
  9. Bryn Elizabeth

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Can I come back here, too? *posts Tweets on blog*
  10. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior

    Re: Criminal Minds "The Spin-off" Ahhh, Destiny. You and your actor trivia. I still think I would rather have had a woman in charge, like we originally thought. *references Hetty from NCIS:LA* Why? Because women with guns kick ass. Case made. We better have enjoyable eyecandy and possibly...
  11. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    Oh, my goodness. I am finally back. *dances* I don't actually have time to read all of the latest conversation, but let me begin by saying that my show just keeps getting better. The last episode made me cry. A lot. Yet we get nothing this week. Darn President.
  12. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    That is the perfect quote for us. I now want to put that on a graphic, but can't actually do where it flashes between things, so... Fail. *sigh* Stupid school computer didn't send my reply. Rawr. We definitely have pics of them in suits. And Jack Hotchner is TOO cute. Will JJ's family be...
  13. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    I haven't replied because I couldn't really think of anything worthwhile to say. I don't want as many spoilers as I get for Bones, but some would be nice. Because otherwise I just go crazy. I don't find it sad at all that we recognized Rossi. Just... dedicated. Lolz. Hmmmm. I don't...
  14. Bryn Elizabeth

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    It seemed like Shemar Moore was not happy. I think it was low of him to not show up for work, and, on top of that, didn't return any calls. I agree that when he signed on, he should have known how dark it was going to be. Destiny, I never thought of them brining in an original BAU Founder as...