Recent content by BrookeSidle

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    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Welcome back sidlewannabe, and I've sort of been in mourning for Sara too, even though I come here every few days. I feel your pain. :( The Butterflied commentary is really interesting, I watched it a couple of months ago. I think it's pretty funny that when he was looking at the pictures and...
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    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Haha Hush, "this way to GSR *arrow*" :lol: I think they should at least give us an email, you don't even need Jorja for that. Just something like "Hey honey, how's it going with your mom? I love and miss you." and then her reply, whatever that might be. A phone call would be better of course...
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    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    I read that fanfic before, it's pretty good. I also read this other one that's amazing, it's called Remember Lake Tahoe, by LSI. I loved it. Cool pics guys, I loved that scene in Crate & Burial where he touches her face.
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    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    I'm still sticking with my "they aren't broken up" and "she isn't his 'ex'". It's partly self-preservation really, I know it's sad, but if I let myself believe they're broken up, I will get even more depressed. Also I just really don't think they're 'broken up'. I've already made my veiws pretty...
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    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Haha, Turtlebaby, you should be a comedian. :lol: Every post you write cracks me up. I was waiting for somene to start a new thread, good job. I just realised that I have nothing on topic to say so, Yay, new thread! lol Happy New Year
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    In my opinion, just because they aren't physically together doesn't make her his ex anything. I have a friend whose father lives in Taiwan, and her mother lives in Vancouver (Canada), they're separated physically by thousands of miles and the Pacific Ocean, but they're still a couple. It's maybe...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    Um.. Since when is Sara Grissom's "ex"...? Or am I misinterpreting that? I watched the last 5 minutes of Swap Meet, and I was wondering what you guys think about that last G/S scene, right at the end. It seems almost like they're using those rules for their relationship or something, but it's...
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    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    desertwind that has to be the most gorgeous things I've ever seen! Her hair is so pretty, and I love her dress. Jorja looks so great in red!
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    I don't know how expensive it is... my grandma gave it to me for my birthday. I think (in Canada anyway) it's around $50 or maybe $60... something in that area anyway... I never noticed the wink in Big Middle until yesterday, at least I think he winked at her anyway... I'm not completely sure...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    That's pretty cool. I was watching 'The Evolution of Season 7' on the special features, and they said that it was Jorja and Billy who wanted Grissom and Sara to have a more defined relationship, so they did the Way To Go scene. Jorja said she's always been a fan of the Grissom/Sara relationship...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    Haha, that's actually the reason I picked it. I was feeling really depressed one day so I went online and got some pictures of Sara crying. :D I was watching Empty Eyes and Fallen Idols, and I gotta say, I love the shaving scene and the end scene of Empty Eyes. It reminds me of in... Meet...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    Hah, I totally get what you mean. It's depressing to think that there's so much worse stuff going on in the world, and we're depressed because a character left a TV show... But still, it wasn't just a character, it was our Sara that we've been watching on TV all this time, and have gotten to...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    Wow, I haven't been here in 11 days! I missed the whole voting for the new thread, which is one of the reasons I came back today. The one that got picked was what I would've voted for anyway though, so it doesn't matter. I also liked the "Grissom is the only home she ever had" one. Those 2 were...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    JorjaFoxFan I was tricked by the Big Shots thing too, but then I looked in my tv guide and found out it was on after. It was on CTV for me, I wonder why it wasn't for you??? :confused: I can't believe that they didn't even mention Sara! All thorugh the episode I was going "This would be such a...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    interesting... last time I came here, it depressed me, and this time it cheered me up. The Grissom shower scene thing was funny. :lol: I'm hoping they'll at least keep mentioning Sara, if she can't actually be on it. I'm also hoping that someday we'll get a reaction out of Grissom when someone...