Recent content by brookeAp3

  1. brookeAp3

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    nice thread title!! :D here's a new EC vid from me. i posted in the shipper vid thread but thought i'd post it here too. i hope u guy's like it! A Thousand Miles
  2. brookeAp3

    Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

    here's a new Hip Hugger vid from me A Thousand Miles hope u like it!
  3. brookeAp3

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    I agree, I have a really good feeling about them this season. I think their time has finally come. Plus seven's my lucky number ;) haha
  4. brookeAp3

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    I watched Ambush and All In today and no one who saw Eric attack Cooper could say that Eric and Calleigh are just "friends". Someone who is just a friend wouldn't react as fiercely as Eric did. And all the anti-shippers are just jealous because they know that Eric and Calleigh are meant to be...
  5. brookeAp3

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 Whoa so i haven't been here in forever!! I think some shirtless Delko might just be enough to get me out of my EC rut!! It would certainly help a lot. Naked Eric and Calleigh i'm sure would do the trick :devil:
  6. brookeAp3

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 Jessica your smut was AWSOME!!!! As ususal :D and Jackie you weren't the only one ;) :lol:
  7. brookeAp3

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 So my goal is to start getting back into writing more now that my school is out (only and hour & a half left!! :D)and my brain starts working again :lol: I'm hoping to finish One Dance and the sequel to Love's Long Journey...
  8. brookeAp3

    CSI : Miami Icons #5 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    that's fine. thank you so much! they look great! :D
  9. brookeAp3

    CSI : Miami Icons #5 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    I have a request to make :D would someone please make me a couple icons out of these pictures Eric Cal Cal Thank you!!! :)
  10. brookeAp3

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 If they aren't together then they are very close to being together. I agree with you Jackie that they are both finally emotionally ready to be together, but the way the writers wrote it their relationship is still up in the...
  11. brookeAp3

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: So true. Eric looks like he's about to rip her cloths off right then and there. Which I personally wouldn't have an issue with :lol:
  12. brookeAp3

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 I know!! All of my show's season finale's have just left me really confused and wondering what the heck happened. :confused: Anyway, about last nights episode... awwwww :D The scene about the profiencies was really cute...
  13. brookeAp3

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 :lol: so true. I'm really enjoying that fic my the way Lucy!! :D I hope next season starts earlier. Especially if they leave us with some huge cliff hanger. I'm definitely not looking forward to summer hiatis.
  14. brookeAp3

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 thanks for the video link!!! I loved it!! :D The two of them are so cute together that I can't help from smiling whenever I watch them. I loved he partner line :lol: Hopefully our anticipation will pay off.