I said something about this on my other thread (the one about songs that makes you think of csi) This song always makes me think of the scene on Nesting Dolls where he comes to visit her
My Time- Psychedelic Furs
You've got rain in your eyes
And a head full of stars
All the tears you can hold...
hard to tell online (for me anyway) since you can't hear tone of voice. Also does that mean they originally weren't going to have Sara at all or was she just going to come to LV for a different reason
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not..
Also what ever happend to Hannah West? I was hoping she would come back in an episode and get her comeuppance but not sure..
Ok something I always wondered is: why is Holly (from the beginning) only on for one episode before she dies did the actress leave suddenly or something
Ok something weird I noticed is: on the episode they say Catherine's bullet wound was a through-on-through but at the end of the previous one when she is woulded there are what look like bullet stuck in her skin where she was shot (maybe I'm wrong though) What gives?