Recent content by Bella363

  1. Bella363

    Doctor Who!

    I cannot imagine who could ever replace David Tennant to be honest. The finale was on BBC3 again this week and even though it was the third time I had seen it, it was still gripping and emotional. The last scene of him in the tardis on his own is just absolutely heart wrenching :( He is an...
  2. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    Thanks Dutch - September 25th is not that far away really so the new season will be with us before we know it. I have mixed feelings about Season 5 - but surely it cannot be as confusing as last season :scream: ? Or is that not the question to pose at the moment given the number of spoiler boxes...
  3. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    Well hello new thread :) !! It seems I have missed the voting (smacks head) but I absolutlely love the new title guys. You have hit the nail right smack on the head with that one :thumbsup: And fabulously opened by Peaches - great job hon! And I am loving the mixture of Danny and Lindsay...
  4. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let So what have I missed ? Apart from pages of DL discussion :) It is good to see that you are all still interested and dare I say excited about what may happen for our favourite couple next season. I am torn between wanting...
  5. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let Yum - Dairy Milk ... my fave chocalate And congrats on passing your final year in uni Dawni. The final year is always the hardest but worth it when you finish. And a warm welcome to Deirdre and captain_nati. It is nice to...
  6. Bella363

    Doctor Who!

    I second that OMG (or is that third after LME?) - what an amazing finale. I cannot believe that they that crammed so much in one show and it was completely original as Doctor Who always is. Definitely keeping that on my Sky+ to re-watch again and again (especially the beach scene). Still stunned...
  7. Bella363

    Doctor Who!

    You and me both :lol: damn the Dalek! I was on the edge of my seat, grinning like an idiot as they run towards each other and then (to quote you know who) - BOOM! i had to watch it all again yesterday - it was a great episode :thumbsup: I loved the former PM introducing herself to everyone...
  8. Bella363

    Welcome to General TV & Media! Please introduce yourself!

    Thanks for the welcome and thanks for letting me know about my signature. All changed :thumbsup:
  9. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let Hey everyone - is it that time already ???? There are spoiler boxes everywhere :eek: I am going to stick with Natty and see how long I can resist the spoiler boxes ... I am not sure how long that will last but will give it a...
  10. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let I am glad that it was not just me. It took me a while too Meg so don't worry. Well that is the all important question now isn't it? I don't want it to be the Danny and Lindsay show (ok, so a small part of me does :lol:) but...
  11. Bella363

    Doctor Who!

    Well typical - we are nearly at the end of the series and only now i remember that there is a Dr WHo thread here :lol: I have just watched the first of the two part finale tonight and all I can say is .... :eek::eek::eek::scream::scream::scream::eek::eek::eek: I am guessing it is ok to post...
  12. Bella363

    Welcome to General TV & Media! Please introduce yourself!

    Just realised that I had not introduced myself properly after posting in a few threads here .... better late than never. I'm Bella, from Wales like Kat :thumbsup: and I probably watch way too much telly but in my defence I only watch the good stuff :lol: Love CSI NY but never watched the...
  13. Bella363

    TV's Greatest Couples!!!

    :guffaw::guffaw:have not heard Frell Yeah in forever! I was hoping that someone would else love them too :lol: They were a great couple that were could bring the banter!! And Ben Browder was easy on the eyes too :devil: And I have to hang my head in shame as I forgot one of my alltime...
  14. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let ****Bella blows the dust off her laptop and finds a quiet corner amongst the building site that was once her home**** Hey guys - remember me :p?? It seems like forever since I last posted on the board. We are having a major...
  15. Bella363

    TV's Greatest Couples!!!

    This thread has my name all over it :lol: Turns out I am quite the shipper : Danny & Lindsay (CSI:NY) Ross & Rachel (Friends) - "it's always been you" Carol & Doug (ER) Booth & Brennan (Bones) Jack & Kate (Lost) Seth & Summer (The OC) Michael & Sara (Prison Break) Ned & Chuck (Pushing...