Recent content by beccablue

  1. B

    "Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers*

    i really liked this episode. Even though at first i thought it looked a little out there. I loved the scene with greg laughing, and it was just nice seeing everyone having screen time...cough cough..warrick... :) I even liked the GSR scene. I liked seeing them together and i loved the dog :p
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    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    yeah he does pretty good in the movie. Its a small role but he still does a great job :)
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    "Leaving Las Vegas" Discussion **Spoilers**

    when i first saw the promo for the episode i thought grissom was leaving the show for good!!! I'm so glad he's not. i wonder how everyones going to get along with Keppler...
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    "Living Legend" Discussion **Spoilers**

    yay thanksgiving and csi all in one day! couldnt get better :)
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    "Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

    all i can say is yay! im definitely excited for tomorrows eppy! greg and grissom angst in one!:)
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    "Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    6 minutes!! woo im going to go make some popcorn! hope u all enjoy the show!
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    "Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    can someone explain the ending to me? whats the green eye suppose to mean?
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    awesome! ive never seen that promo for season 7 before!
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    does anyone have a link to the trailer for season 7? its always on but i always miss it! :(
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    Best Season?

    idk it was a hard decision for me...couldnt decide between season 2 or 5!! finally ended up voting for season 2...just had a lot more interesting episodes that i was into
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    How old are most CSI fans?

    im 14 and i started watching csi when it first started :)
  12. B

    I Have An Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P1

    Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers thanks :)
  13. B

    I Have An Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P1

    Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers what is the episode+season where nick and sara are working together and they find the liquid/decomp. of a body in a bag?
  14. B

    If WP was to leave will csi survive?

    if william were to leave i think csi i would still go on. Theres been lots of episodes that have been really good even without him. Example - Gum Drops :)
  15. B

    "Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    i loved how nick was just like im tired, hungry, and i dont freaking have a car! Then he was in the locker room and he kept saying this sucks. kinda reminded me of me