Recent content by ariela57

  1. A

    "Happenstance" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Interesting case, great episode except for the fact that you can palpably feel that Grissom's time is drawing to an end, and for me, personally, it will be a very sad day if and when Billy Petersen leaves CSI. I kind of liked the scene between Griss and Sara at the end, epsecially the way she...
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    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    heck, I love George no matter what, and he is a hot stud no maater what (I have a September countdown going), but the stache was pretty gosh darn bad! By the way, any bets on hairstyles for season seven? I sense the return of the crew cut. What do ya'll think?
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    Yes, I really loved that LH moment and also the scene when Sara gently brushes chalk off his cheek... :D Sigh, I am a sucker for the mushy stuff I guess. I think the amazing thing about Grissom is that there is something so gentle about him and yet a lot of sensuality underneath the...
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    Oh, I just hope the spoilers are true because us Nick fans have been patiently waiting for some kind of payoff to GD and heck, if that happens, better buy some stock in Kleenex because I know my boy can act his cute butt off! And I am so glad to see Greggo get a storyline too, ES is a wasted...
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    beard or no beard for grissom ???

    Clean shaven all the way....He has too pretty a face and eyes to cover up.
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    William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

    Guys, Guys...Have pity on a poor Brooklynite enduring 100 degree weather....It feels enough like Dante's inferno without those smoking pics of Billy! :D
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    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    I'd really like to see George and Tarantino team up again. Not sure about the role, but they sure seem to bring out the best in one another. Besides, it will be a cute reunion of sorts. I can imagine that meeting: George: Now Quentin, you know I love you, but do you think I can be ABOVE ground...
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    funniest csi moments (vegas)

    Fur and Loathing when Grissom interrogates the huge blue giraffe, it just kills me! And Nick's infamous "I'm tired, I kind of smell and I don't have a frickin' car" from Rashomama.
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    Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

    Happy birthday to Eric S. and many many many more!
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    Yes, I am kind of burned out on the Cath drama myself, but that is the essence of drama--putting people in stressful or dangeorus situations that test their mettle or resilience, so I am in the wait and see camp. Let Marg do her thing and see how they play it out. Really glad to see Greg might...
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    DANG...Are they actually saying that Nick raped Cath or did I misunderstand and is he only to blame for not keeping an eye on her? It has possibilities if they tread very lightly, Marg is certainly a good enough actress to pull it off!
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    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    Hey, I didn't know GE could draw...talented boy indeed.
  13. A

    Opinion On CSI Becoming More Character Focused

    Like everything in life--balance. One of the things I love about CSI is that it delves into the science and the cases and quite simply makes you think. On the other hand, without Grave Dnger which was the MOST PERSONAL episode I can think of, I would have never fallen in love with the show and a...
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    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    Yes,I just rewatched King Baby yesterday, and during the "I missed your tush" scene with Catherine, I don't think the words "dumpy" or "formeldahyde" came to mind...
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    What's on their answering machines....?

    Or better yet: Hey, you've reached Nick. I can't come to the phone right now becasue I am in some type of serious, life-threatning situation or other. So leave a brief message and I'll get back to you... I hope.