Recent content by anamarya

  1. anamarya

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    6 :guffaw:
  2. anamarya

    Consequences E/C Fanfic

    i hope both of you are ok. the chapter was good and the story is getting stranger by the day... and i mean that in a good sense. by the way.... France?
  3. anamarya

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Don: "Stella, you didn't put the vest yet!" Stella: "Well I don't think that is going to fit anymore" Danny: "It obviously fit on Flack here....."
  4. anamarya

    Caption Game - Miami Style Pt 3

    Cal: "Do you think that praying to the mirror is going to help?" Nat: "Not necessarily.... but can't hurt!"
  5. anamarya

    Caption Game - Miami Style Pt 3

    #3 - i'm watching L&O these days:p
  6. anamarya

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Cal: "Guys... sorry but i can't cover for you two anymore" Speed: "Come on Cal... what are you going to do?" Cal: "What do you think... i'm goin' to..." H: "No, madam, you wouldn't dare...." Cal: "Yes... i will... i'm calling right now you significant others and tell them the truth...."...
  7. anamarya

    Caption Game - Miami Style Pt 3

    #3 (i'm in a Star Warmood today)
  8. anamarya

    Consequences E/C Fanfic

    first... is good to know that you are home and better. about the chapter... you made it fit right into the story of the episode and that felt very nice.
  9. anamarya

    Episode 7x20 - Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Thanks... looks good -ok, not the part about hurting Ryan even if imo mister Togo played it pretty good....
  10. anamarya

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Dave: I do understand that they have shipping rules but this time they overdone it
  11. anamarya

    Consequences E/C Fanfic

    i really hope that the reason for the hospital is not very bad (it can't be good,but still i hope for the low percentage of bad). the chapter was good,angsty but good.... i'm still a little confused by the whole Ryan-Lila history but hope that i'll see a clear picture in the future....
  12. anamarya

    Episode 7x19 - 'Target Specific' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    thanks for giving some substance to my hypothesis...i was saying the same thing a couple of days(and posts) ago,but i didn't have the exact data.
  13. anamarya

    Episode 7x20 - Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    thanks for the promo.... was this one posted yet? if yes,sorry...i just found it... anyway sounds exciting, full of action and everything...
  14. anamarya

    Episode 7x19 - 'Target Specific' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    i kind of agree with you...TPTB needed a way to have Cal attacked and Ryan kidnapped.... maybe overall one of us could've found a better way to do that... but then again like they're saying around here "we have a coach on the bench and 22 million better coaches home"
  15. anamarya

    Caption Game - Miami Style Pt 3 an alien mood myself:devil: