I honestly believe she'll be back and that her excuse to everyone is that she needed to re eveluate her life and that her and Griss will live happily ever after.
I've wathced the promo for Goodbye and Goodluck like five times and it come on during the Steelers=Browns game and I had a bad sinking feeling in my stomach and felt like I was going to cry.
Hey anyone miss me at all? I would like to congradulate those who got their comment in TV Guide about GSR and I would also like to say I think my heart literally stopped when Sara said yes. :)
I know, I am soo upset about her. Hopefully she says yes to Grissom's proposal and the only reason shes not around its some background story for that. Maybe like CSI Miami got Rory Cockraine to guest star, they'll get her to come back one more time. :rolleyes:
Exactly. Grillows fans should be happy that Grissom and Catherine are always working together and Sara is in the background, even if shes a major part of Grissom's life.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
Look, I kno it gets annoying but my day has been horrible and I had to say it. Sorry. Anyway. Last nights epi was amazing and I can't wait to see what happens next week with Ecklie.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
Okay, if everyone on here dosen't hate me, can someone tell me how to make a spoiler box? I hate to be a nag but I'd really love someone to talk to around here and I have a spoiler.
Hey guys. Long time no see! Congrats on the new thread! I forget who said it but one of the producers said that you'll want a box of tissues for the season premeire and that worries me.