Recent content by addictedtoSpeed

  1. addictedtoSpeed

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    Saw The Bourne Legacy Friday night. I love Matt Damon in the Bourne movies and when I heard he wasn't going to be in it when it was first announced I wasn't going to see it especially since I didn't really know who Jeremy Renner was. After seeing Renner in The Avengers I started watching him...
  2. addictedtoSpeed

    Person of Interest

    Are we watching the same show?! :eek:
  3. addictedtoSpeed

    Person of Interest

    I'm thinking he killed the guy too. Love your banner! BTW, Person of Interest is almost to be picked up for a full season! Yay!
  4. addictedtoSpeed

    Person of Interest

    Yes, I wish it was Thursday already!
  5. addictedtoSpeed

    Person of Interest

    I agree, best episode so far! And poor guy gets beat up on and off Lost, lol!
  6. addictedtoSpeed

    Who Said it & Which Episode #3

    Um, Forced Entry? :confused:
  7. addictedtoSpeed

    Who Said it & Which Episode #3

    Is it Horatio?
  8. addictedtoSpeed

    Person of Interest

    I am absolutely loving this show! Wasn't too sure when I first watched it but the last few episodes have been so good. And Jim Caviezel is so easy on the eyes! He looks a lot like Flack! :drool:
  9. addictedtoSpeed

    Flack #10: Don Flack Bleeds Blue

    Been making some caps, will post soon! In the meantime, loving the new haircut!
  10. addictedtoSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    Digging up the thread to post that the movie Rory recently did 'Bringing Up Bobby' has a trailer up and you get to see Rory quite a few times. Yay!
  11. addictedtoSpeed

    Ryan/Jon #30: 'Intensity is Sexy'

    Very, very hot! I can't wait for the new season of Miami to start. What's going on with that movie? Has it been released yet?
  12. addictedtoSpeed

    Flack #10: Don Flack Bleeds Blue

    I love that he got his hair cut! He must've heard his fans! He is so hot! :drool:
  13. addictedtoSpeed

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New York

    Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New Those pictures that CBS Watch is advertising on facebook of Eddie and Carmine new or from an old magazine? I need to know if Eddie cut his hair or not, lol, and in that pic he has his hair short.
  14. addictedtoSpeed

    The Official Pet Thread pt2

    Thanks Smokey, what a way to start the day! I hope your cats are ok, I'm sorry to hear about your ac, that sucks in this heat.