Recent content by _Hush_

  1. _Hush_

    World Politics

    ^ Not sure why Obama would deserve high marks. McChrystal may have been (very) critical about the top functionaries and Obama himself, but how does it justify his resignation out of supposed free will? Being critical is necessary, for every nation, whether it's in Parliament or in Rolling Stone.
  2. _Hush_

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Hey mate, I just wanted to say I'm gonna miss you. I feel weird just writing it down, but I can't say it to anyone. You've taught me so much, from surfing when we were kids to my first whiskey cola in Greece. I act strong and confident around my parents, my sister and your family, but deep...
  3. _Hush_

    Domestic Abuse/Violence

    I'm siding with the Teddy bear doctor on this one. However, I do believe that emotional and psychological abuse is an enormous factor in this issue. Yet. This is 2010 with an overflow of communication and information. I don't believe that anyone hasn't been informed on domestical abuse and...
  4. _Hush_

    World Politics

    ^Well, tomorrow is D-Day. N-VA is likely to win these elections, but they're not the radical separatist party. Their goal is confederalism (two states governing separate from eachother but still act as one country). Because of the recent disagreements with the Walloons, I think lots of Flemish...
  5. _Hush_

    World Politics

    ^ I read Wilders is even willing to make concessions in order to join the coalition. His PVV is the third biggest party, so I think it would be hard to form a majority without him. Plus, the dutch government is still being formed, so it's too early to tell if Wilders will be made minister or not.
  6. _Hush_

    World Politics

    Cool, then we're neighbours, sorta. I'm from Belgium :) I just read that the turn-out for the elections seems to be lower then previous years. Around 14:00, only 28% had casted their vote. That's a really low number in my opinion. Why do you think so few people went voting? Over here...
  7. _Hush_

    World Politics

    ^That's what I meant by staying friendly. My English tends to minimize to basic knowledge after 9PM :D Still, this could've been a turning point where the US could finally take a stand. Israel seems to be allowed much more than other countries, which isn't exactly fair. They forced the...
  8. _Hush_

    World Politics

    Our last government took 194 days to form, which is a record, I think. This was last year, and coming Sunday, we'll get to vote again :rolleyes::lol: Where are you from, Palmtree? Cuz this week seems like international elections week :p On a more serious note, what happened in Israel is...
  9. _Hush_

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    To my uncle: You don't know what the frik you're talking about. How about you ask me first instead of calling me a flemish extremist. It's one thing not to agree politically, but why would you call me that. I've known for longer that you are the ignorant idiot you've always been, but damn...
  10. _Hush_

    Misc LIMS #3-Challenge 6-Decades. Final Challenge-VOTING!

    Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 3-Katie Cassidy-Voting Up! Least 10 - seems oversharpened and the cut of her face looks off. 07 - The background looks washed out and a little too dark so Katie doesn't come out well. Best 02 - Love the colouring and the colour/black&white thing you did there...
  11. _Hush_

    The Mentalist

    [*SPOILER="what the spoiler is about"]actual spoiler[/SPOILER*] then becomes (without the **): :)
  12. _Hush_

    World Politics

    Just wondering, is basing your vote on debates between politicians a typical British thing? I would find it weird to base my opinion on who comes out best out of one (or even several) debate(s). I tend to look at the opinions of the party itself, how they worked during the last legislation...
  13. _Hush_

    World Politics

    Wow, that video is pretty sickening :wtf: Nick Griffin was invited by the NSV (Nationalistic Students Union, a rather extreme right minded students organization) about two months ago. There was a big fuss about it around the university. The lefties tried to prevent him from being invited, the...
  14. _Hush_

    World Politics

    Ha, the eternal question. Is there really a solution? There has to be. The problem is that the way Brussels, Halle and Vilvoorde are organised now is unconstitutional. If the next elections are held when this hasn't been resolved yet, the whole national elections will be illegal if only one of...
  15. _Hush_

    World Politics

    I think the last time we had a somewhat decent government was during Verhofstadt's time as Prime Minister (VLD). But I don't think we ever had a decent working government. If you see what we have to deal with (Flanders/Wallonia, Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde -> the topic they tried to avoid for the...