Recent content by 4_and_20

  1. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Really, new random detectives, it’s not looking good. Ok, one things been bugging me, has there been any public statement at all from anyone involved in the show that so much as mentions the fact that Louise is no longer part of the main cast. I can’t think of any; didn’t we all find out about...
  2. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Man, I don’t think I’ve posted anything since page one, laaazy Birdie. Hay there drummer_girl; a fellow Melburnian, cool :D. How great was Big Shots last night; Sofia was in like every second scene, I don’t know what was better, the Sofia/Catherine bonding or Sofia getting all mad when the...
  3. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Well, I’m a little late but yay for the new thread. :) I’m pretty sure I started to really like Sofia during ABRTI. Part one was good because we got to see Sofia all running around and shooting things and just generally being tough, because really, there's nothing better then a woman with a...
  4. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Mmmm, Sofia in a red dress, ah the good old days of yore.
  5. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Well, if you gotta go out with a bang, a dull steak knife would sure do it. :)
  6. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Why yes I am, that poor little thing. Yes, that’s very true; now the waits just gotten so much more agonizing.
  7. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Yeah, you know, I honestly can’t ever remember hearing of a main cast member being taken down to guest star unless they we’re leaving, kinda worrisome. I just went from being exited about the new season to being worried about the new season in about two shakes of a seven legged lamb's tail ;)...
  8. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Hmmm, over at, who are usually pretty good with their cast and crew information they also have Louise listed under ‘recurring character’ in Dead Doll, while she was listed under ‘star’ along with everyone else back in Living Doll; it's not looking good people. :( But isn’t that just...
  9. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Ohh yes, that was pretty cute how he draged her off. And when are we gonna get some promos, couldn’t be long, could it, I’m dying over here. Hay, they just showed that episode with the high school kids over here, how great did Sofia look in that purple shirt, yup, that was the highlight of...
  10. 4

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 1

    Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1 WHAT! Where does that information come from?
  11. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Yeaaaaah *makes obligatory rock hand gesture*
  12. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    I know, I know, I’m being lazy (see, it even took me a while to reply to this), but it’s definitely not from any lack of interest, I just haven’t had much to say lately, what with the show on hiatus. But yeah, how good was Sofia in Monster in a Box; finally, we get a new episode. Didn’t you...
  13. 4

    Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

    Owww, when did this thread pop up? Although it’s true that the show really wouldn’t be the same if you lost any of the main characters, I could really live without Nick, I absolutely cannot stand him at all.
  14. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III know I just can’t resist toothpick talk. I think there’s a chance it might make a return, they did it once and then just when you thought it was never gonna happen again...there it was again in Way To Go. Maybe they’re listening to us, or maybe they realised how much more Sofia...
  15. 4

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Yeah, I’m gonna side with those who think its not her, looks wrong and that woman appears to have a rather prominent widows peak while Louise does not.