Caption Game - Miami Style Pt 3

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Yelina: Horatio, get in the water. You smell horrible and I can't stand it.
Horatio: sunnies will get wet...

That's the best I've got. :)
Horatio: That victim shouldn't have drank so much... *puts on sunglasses* ...before being shot.
Yelina: "Horatio, is that Frank sunbathing? He looks like he had a couple of beers."
Horatio: "For God's sake, Frank! Couldn't you use the bathroom?"
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Yelina: It was so kind of you to pay for a fountain on the spot where Stetler had his fatal heart attack. You must have had a good reason.

H: Yes, it fits in with the rose garden and the playground I'm putting up over there!
HnStetlerfan, I had to change the image to a link since it exceeded the 480 pixel max. Would it be possible to resize it? Thanks!
HnStetlerfan, I had to change the image to a link since it exceeded the 480 pixel max. Would it be possible to resize it? Thanks!

I apologize, FieldMouse. I only just signed up with Photobucket, and I'm still trying to learn how it works. I couldn't get it to change sizes correctly. I can post another one, but it'll turn out small and harder to see.

Meatball, you're caption wasn't very nice. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if I made a caption about your favorite character's death. So can we please show some respect for other people's favorite characters?

This is the only other size I can get it at:

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HnStetlerfan, I can understand your frustration, believe me I've been there before :) but the game is all for fun so we must keep all emotions at the door. If anyone crosses the line I would say so, but in this case I don't see that it did.

Just to go over a few things -
It's fine to pick on character quirks like ugly wardrobe, H's sunnies & his pauses - those small things are okay - but we do not want comments about ugly appearances or weight, or attacking the characters with critisism.
Use your own judegement, if your caption would offend you if you read it from someone else & it was about a character you like, then it would be wise to tweak it. Just keep others in mind.

So everyone continue, have fun, respect your fellow captioneers & play nice. :hugegrin:
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HnStetlerfan, I can understand your frustration, believe me I've been there before :) but the game is all for fun so we must keep all emotions at the door. If anyone crosses the line I would say so, but in this case I don't see that it did.

I do, and I see it as outright bashing. If someone else had done this caption and put "where E/C had their fatal heart attack" instead of "Stetler," I'll bet Meatball wouldn't have liked that too much.
I haven't thought of a caption yet (the only ones I can think of with that pic are shippy ones lol), but I wanted to make a note about photobucket and pic sizes.

Under each pic in your photobucket album (sometimes you have to hover over the pic), there are links. If you click on "link opitions", a little popup comes up and on it, you can click on the img thumbnail code for it to show under each pic (when you hover over the pic). That way, all you have to do to post a small version of the pic, is highlight the code in the img thumbnail box. :) Hope that helps.
What possible reason might I have for caring if another poster, who would (or at least should) have a right to their own opinion and their own speech, posted an unrealistic and completely unsubstantiated hypothetical about a character whom I happened to like? My own thoughts and speech, and thus fake captions have no censure which was not initiated by either myself or the rules of this forum, which I do my best to abide by in every post and have not, to the best of my knowledge, broken in this case. As to the suspicion that I would be offended if another person posted an unhappy hypothetical about a character I admired, I say that whatever caption another person wishes to post is recognized as an untruth, and befitting the supposedly lighthearted, joking spirit of the game. As a side note, I must suggest that anyone who wishes to hero-worship a fictional character, as is their right and not something I have a problem with, could at least not be so touchy as to the fact that not everyone else feels the same way. I apologize for taking up space in this forum, and I hope that this matter can be put in the past.
H: So *caught*, Yelina, do you like my new garden's purchase?
Yelina: Oh Yeah, Horatio. It is very cute and I also think that mathes perfectly with your official pose *laughs*
H: That's *puts sunnies*... why I bought it... *goes off screen*
Sophia: David, what were you thinking?! Nowhere in this script does it say for you to dance around naked in that fountain!
David: I'm sorry, but all these damn black suits get very hot .....*holds head in shame* I just couldn't take it anymore.
Horatio: Yelina..are you done looking at the gazebo designs yet?
Yelina: Horato why are you spending all this time and money on landscaping and design....everyone knows you work 24/7....
Horatio: But I was going to ask you to marry me under that gazebo when it was just made me ruin the surprise...thanks A lot. Party Pooper.
Yelina: As much as I love and respect you I can't marry're my brother-in-law...its just wrong.
nwolfson22 - great caption, but I'm afraid it is running too much under the shipper category, which is a no-no in the game rules.

MJ. :)
Yelina: Horatio, do you mind if we move to the side a little? That water is getting on me and I just had my hair permed.
Horatio: Your hair is naturally curly, Yelina.
Yelina: Well, I wanted extra curls.
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