Re: "For Warrick" Season Premiere Discussion *SPOILERS*
Okay, I made notes while watching the show, so here they are:
Warrick looked like he wanted to tell Grissom it was Mckeen, but of course he couldn't speak. McKeen is such a liar

. Nick looks in shock. Grissom's breaking down. OMG, Cath is heartbroken. Someone go hug her, quickly!
Greg looks like he's about to cry, which almost made me cry. I thought for sure he was gonna hug Grissom, but he didn't. Would have been nice though. Mandy crying in the breakroom with Bobby and Archie comforting her, aww... Wendy looked like she was about to cry as did SuperDave and Doc Robbins. Even Ecklie looked sad.
Loved the whole team coming in and hugging Sara one by one. Haha, she hugged Greg the longest (except for Grissom of course). Loved Greg telling Sara he was glad she was there. Nicky was teary eyed when he hugged Sara. But, he's trying to remain strong.
Ugh, McKeen spouting more B.S. :scream:
Greg volunteered to help Sara cause he wants to spend time with his best friend. Aww. So glad they got scenes together. Greg found the paternity papers. Surprised he was the one to find them. So, Tina's full name is Christine. Eli, cool name.
Nick is the first one to figure out that McKeen did it. Yay! Smart Nicky!
When Nick told Griss and Cath his theory, I saw a tear in his eye. I wanna see Nicky's reaction to the news about Warrick's son. I wonder if Warrick told his best friend.
Now Greg's searching for hits from the prints on the glass in the hotel room. Nicky looks pissed about McKeen and Pritchard.
Okay, the chase is on. Good job, Brass keeping McKeen on the line long enough for Archie to pinpoint his location. Lot of Archie in this episode. Loved that! They should add him to the opening credits too. :sigh:
Nicky's going after McKeen now. He's found him. Oh he's so pissed he could spit venom. :lol: McKeen's spouting off insults about Warrick. Nick says "Shut up!" McKeen spouts off more insults. Nick: "I said shut up!" OMG! Nicky's hand is shaking, he's so angry. He wants to kill the sob. :lol: Loved the "miss" comment. Cracked me up. Go, Nicky! So glad they let Nicky catch the bastard! He didn't get to be the one to find Warrick (why wasn't that explained anyway?), but at least he got to catch his best friend's killer. I'm sure Warrick knew he would.
Okay, now it's the funeral. Where the heck is Greg? Oh wait, there he is! I must have a small tv screen. :lol: Nicky's finally letting some tears out. Cath cried the most though.
I really wanted a scene where it's after the funeral and Nicky goes up to Tina and asks if he can hold Eli. That would have been sweet. It would be nice if he told Tina, "Rick was my best friend and this is his son, so if he ever needs anything, don't hesistate to call me." I really really wanted a scene like that.
Glad they caught McKeen and didn't drag it out all season long.
The episode was good. I give it a solid A. Probably would have given it an A+ if the team had hugged each other in addition to just hugging Sara. And if Nick had found Rick and if Nick had been the one to call Greg instead of Catherine calling him. I think Nick and Greg are closer than Cath and Greg are. Why was Cath the one calling him? She looked to be more distraught than Nick. I guess maybe Nick couldn't bring himself to tell anyone that Warrick was dead. I wonder who told Tina. Probably should have made this episode two hours long instead of one.
But, a good ep none the less.
Brass was at the funeral, WarioLoaf. He was sitting in the pew across from the team. Brass was sitting with other cops.
Would have been nice to see Sofia, Vartann, Cavalier, Vega, Sgt O'Reilly, etc there too though... And Jackie. She's been MIA for a while now.