A reunion would be fun a few years down the road.
I remember renting the CSI DVDs from Blockbuster (that tells you how long ago it was! lol) and watching the first few seasons over and over again--and then they started playing it on SpikeTV (I think it might've still been TNN back then! So long ago!), so I was watching several episodes a night. I saw those first few seasons
so many times, I loved those episodes so much. I don't know what prompted me to watch the show in the first place, though, I wish I could remember...
I saw CSI: NY from the beginning, although I think I missed the premiere and technically started with episode two. Oops! It'll always be my favorite of the four, I think, although those early seasons of CSI are special for me.
Surprisingly, CSI: Miami is the first one I watched! I remember watching it with my mom in the very beginning. My older sister watched CSI, so I probably picked the spinoff so I could like a different show than her, who knows lol. I didn't know the characters names or anything, though, and we stopped watching eventually. When I finally started watching Miami all of the time, I had to force myself to remember the character names.

(That's nothing about Miami, though, just my inability to remember character names, sometimes. I have no idea why I struggled with Miami so much. lol)
And obviously, I started watching Cyber from the beginning, and I'll be watching it until the end. It's so strange to think that I've been keeping up with this franchise for so long. There are a
lot of shows that have come and gone over the years, and I've usually given them up before they were even off the air--but the CSI shows have remained on my TV schedule. It sucked when Miami and then NY were cancelled, but it's so
strange for CSI to be off the air now. It'll be even more weird when there aren't any CSIs airing new episodes at all.
Thus ends my brief surge of nostalgia.