Worst New York Season

Worst New York Season

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I voted for S6. I honestly don't remember a lot of the episodes and I actually think I skipped more than a couple all together because they just didn't seem like they'd be interesting.
i look at it like an mataphor (for instance)on music( album)from an interpret who i become to feel atached to.where he can't make some fatal changes(melina/sela) and believe that them fans will not detect them.like an solid album,i can live with 4-7 upper average episodes,done in season 1-5 and the rest as fill the gap storylines.but with this extreme makeover with sela i can not help but say this was a big mistake.with her apperreance(look at the actual arc) it would take some big adjustments to really give (at least me) some plausible substance for deliver a charakter/behaivor thats truly believebale.so its an easy decision 6&7.
Season 7 was when I started to really lose interest in the show. Jo is a great addition, but the show is definitely aging. I'm not sure I'd call season 7 the worst, but it's definitely when my interest really started to wane.
I know I am very alone in this one, but season 1 is my least favorite. I think it was a tad too dark. With the fact that the minor cast members have disappeared so fast watching it back I just find them distracting. The cases were still good, but the team really improved after the first season. I also have to admit I am not a big fan of Aidan Burns so I prefer episodes without her.
Season 2. The episodes in between "Manhattan Manhunt" and "Run Silent, Run Deep" are forgettable.
Season 7 was when I started to really lose interest in the show. Jo is a great addition, but the show is definitely aging. I'm not sure I'd call season 7 the worst, but it's definitely when my interest really started to wane.

Same for me. The word I would chose would probably be "boring" as opposed to worst. The cases the last two or three seasons have for the most part just not been as good. The best episode for me this season so far was the Halloween one. That whole case was kind of interesting to me and the team scene at the end was great.
My least favourite would have to be season 6. It seemed as if nothing actually happened, well, to me at least.
HEY!!! Come on. I just saw the poll results after I voted. I do NOT agree with them. OK...I admit when season 6 was going on I thought it was the WORST SEASON EVER!!! But I rewatched it before I got my season 7 DVDs and I've rewatched it since I've got them. I no longer think it's the worst. Season 3 now owns the title of WORST SEASON EVER!!! I have a very hard time finding many episodes in season 3 I like enough to watch from beginning to end. And that, my fellow Talk CSI members, is why I voted for season 3.
^Let's remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinion of what the worst season is. Thanks.

I will say, season three could have gotten my vote for all of the painful Lindsay angst it made us endure! :lol: But "Snow Day" is easily the best season finale the show has done IMO, and there were some other good episodes that year, too.
But "Snow Day" is easily the best season finale the show has done IMO, and there were some other good episodes that year, too.
I agree, "Snow Day" was the best. Then there was the Truby arc, Flack and Mac at odds, the Danny/Flack conversation in "...Comes Around", the introduction of Reed, the 'Hollies', etc. It's my second favorite season.
s6, hands down! There are a couple eps which I really like (principally because they're Mac/character-centric: 'Epilogue', 'Blacklist' - strictly for the flashbacks, 'Cuckoo's Nest', and Point of View). Other than those eps, for me, the entire season was not only forgettable, but rather cringe-worthy. The guest casting was horrible, the cases were boring, and whatever was going on behind the scenes was clearly impacting the actors and how they performed, yes, even Gary in a lot of them.... I even considered not even buying the season :p
...tricky! :lol: :p.

I became more of an intermittent viewer post S4. But I voted S5 & S6 as the seaons that really had me exasperated more than engaged after having traded my time for the show :lol:.

Other seasons have certainly had eps that have had me irked and wanting to throw things at my teevee, but I think I was more indulgent earlier in NY's run. By S5, the gloves had come off :lol:. S6 gave me little inclination to put them back on.

S7 had me looking for change, and I liked a lot of what they pulled off, ...but I was also more hopeful than fulfilled, perhaps :lol:. What I've managed to catch of NY's S8 has continued in much the same hit or miss kind of fashion that I think has really become characteristic of NY's lengthy run. Whaddaya do.

It's hard to put together a fantastic and engaging series in a marathon production, but when I also look at what other shows manage to pull off, well, ...I guess I'm also not quite the same wee viewer as I was when the show started back when :lol:.

I also gotta say that the shift to a Friday night slot has really killed a lot of my ability to catch the show. And I guess there's been little that has had me making an extra effort to find it after the fact one way or another.

S5, S6. Two of the seasons that had me reacting more virulently most frequently, inbetween bouts of being brutally teased by one or a handful or surprisingly solid eps.

Bastards :p.
Season 3 was okay..I didn't like Peyton though. Season 6 was crap, except for a few episodes.
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Season 6 for me. I dont think many cases stood out they were all pretty repetitive and boring. Season 5 wasnt great, but it had some redeeming episodes. I cant think of any at this point for s6.