Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #20- "Save Me From Myself"

Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

One week to deadline! I hope some of you are working on stories. :) Even a short little something will be good. The more Nick fics the better!

Argh..the deadlines always fall before an exam or paper..damn!'s been out there for three weeks. :lol:

Good luck on your paper/exam! :)

But I've had no life for three weeks Smokey. I'm in jail studying Ecological Systems Theory, Crisis Intervention, Solution Focussed Approach, Psychoadynamic Theory, when..will I be free!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

I hope a newbie can throw her hat in the ring on this one ;) I know I'm really new to the board, but I am completely new to fan fic. I haven't even read that much.

I hope I don't embarrass Nick...or myself :lol: ...with my entry!
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

I hope a newbie can throw her hat in the ring on this one ;) I know I'm really new to the board, but I am completely new to fan fic. I haven't even read that much.

I hope I don't embarrass Nick...or myself :lol: ...with my entry!

Oh you won't embarrass yourself! :) We're happy about everyone who wants to join :D

Good luck and have fun! :D
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

Fox, I got your submission in my email (and your edit). Thanks for playing!! Don't worry about being new to it. We were all new at one time, and I can tell you the more you write the better you get. The challenge is great fun (and practice!)!

The story site will be updated sometime tomorrow, so keep an eye on this thread for the announcement. Looking forward to more stories coming in tonight! :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

Thank you, Everyone, for the encouragement!:) It was fun just to write it!

I know you all have a community here, but you've been so means a lot!:) Thanks again!
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

Nick Fic Song Challenge
Round 19


Ladies and gentlemen, presenting round 19 of the Nick Fic Song Challenge! Thanks to everyone who participated! :)

Here are a few guidelines for reading and reviewing:

1. Remember, for now the stories are anonymous. Please do not reveal which story you wrote. We will unveil the authors next Sunday, April 17.

2. Story authors/participants - Please leave feedback for each story. That's why we're doing we can learn from each other and improve as we go along. And because this is anonymous for now, please remember to leave some feedback for your own story too. :)

3. Lurkers - You are most welcome to read and review the stories too! We just ask that you follow and respect the guidelines here as well. The exception is that you may leave reviews for as few or as many stories as you like. (Authors - Please do not take offense if a lurker reviews only one or two stories or does not review yours.)

4. Please make your feedback as positive and constructive as possible. Constructive means that it's meant to be helpful and it's said in a nice way. There will be zero tolerance for meanness here from anyone.

5. Please try to make your feedback a little more than just "Good job" or "Nice story". We all look forward to hearing some thoughtful input on our work. :) And for now let's focus on the content of the story more so than the format, grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. For some people this is their first fic and/or English may not be their first language, and those are all things that a good beta could fix if this weren't a challenge. :)

6. Feedback should be posted here in this thread and can be done all in one post or in several posts.

7. Remember, we aren't voting for favorites on this or anything. We're just reading, reviewing, and enjoying! :)

8. Attention readers! Feedback posts will probably contain spoilers. If you do not want to be spoiled, do not read the feedback until after you read the stories.

And now, what you've all been waiting for...round 19 of the Nick Fic Song Challenge! Click on the "100 Years" link on the left to read the stories.

Note: If you see an error in your story or any problems on the page, please PM Smokey ASAP.
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

Okay, I'll start us out then! :)

Stolen Time - Very nice, compact, case story! It was a cool thing that Nick did, trying to leave as much evidence as he could before it was too late. I was a little concerned about Grissom wanting to catch the bad guy at the cost of possibly Nick's life, but I know Nick would want the bad guy caught. :) Good job! I think you should write more of these case stories!

One Minute Lifetime - Ah, what was going through Nick's mind as he lay waiting for help after being shot by Jekyll? Good question and one that begs exploring! I like the throwbacks to the moments in his lifetime and how it's all happening so quickly, like it could all be over in a minute. I also like the mix of present tense (for what's happening now) and past (for the memories). Good job!

Moments - Very nice little character study here of Nick at a significant moment in his life. I like the somewhat sparseness of outside descriptions in favor of dialogue that helps to tell the story. It's an emotional piece and Nick is very much in character. Nice job! :)

I Remember - The life and times of Nick Stokes! :) It's almost like...well, I'm not sure what might be happening, but like he's reliving it all at some important part in his life. I like the little glimpses into how he felt about what was happening at certains times and think that could be expanded more. You definitely show how resilient our Nick can be and how he can appreciate both the good and the bad in his life. Nice job!
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

That was another round of great stories.

I enjoyed each one.
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

Me next!

Stolen Time: Of course the considerate Nick would do whatever he could to make his colleagues' jobs easier. Grissom made me want to scream with his tunnel-vision but that's not the first time that's happened ;). Loved "You're late for work!" Nice story!

One Minute Lifetime: Really nice look at Nick's thoughts as he lay on the restaurant floor... Although, I have to admit, I didn't pick up on that at first, and you threw me off your scent with your use of the present tense! :lol: I really liked his dad's teasing and seeing Warrick was nice (I still miss him!). Also, loved Catherine - you always do her justice. Great work!

Moments: I like the way this one is written, as Smokey said, without a ton of detail to the narrative. It gives the story a sort of dream-like feel - which is how I imagine Nick must feel at this moment, trying to figure out what he's supposed to do now. That is kind of what it's like to lose a parent; you get put into a hazy kind of mindset for a while. Luckily Nick's mom is there to point him in the right direction. I like that too.

I Remember: Reading this, one has to wonder what or why Nick is reminiscing like he is... But it's a nice trip through his life and his thoughts at certain moments. I guess the circumstances are up to the reader - hey, maybe the writers have finally given him a life and he's *gasp!* getting married (the horror!), and looking back at what he's done, acknowledging that without all of those experiences, he can't be in the place he is now, ready to move on to something new. That was how I read it anyway. Nicely done!
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

Sorry it took me a couple of days...days get kinda busy sometimes!! ;)

I really enjoyed reading these stories! I am definitely going to have to set aside some "me-time" to read some more fan fic--so fun! :thumbsup:

Stolen Time—The devil’s in the details! I really like your descriptive word choices for what Nick is going through—“made his head swim,” “thickness in his throat,” “tasted iron.” They really drew me into what Nick was experiencing. I was almost rooting more for the bossy doc than Grissom. Save Nick first! The reminder is a nice snapshot of Nick’s personality, his character.

One Minute Lifetime—Love the title. The lyrics from the song are woven expertly into the story, as are the “life flashes before your eyes” episodes. Such a lovely, personal love scene. You really capture Nick’s eagerness and his sweetness.

Moments—I like how it circles back around at the end to the opening scene. I like the idea of Nick having someone who “gets” him and supports him no matter what.

I Remember—The thought of Nick in kindergarten…with milk and cookies…really made me smile today! I kept thinking of Nick’s line to Catherine, “I guess that’s what makes a person.” All these things, good and bad, make us—and you nicely pieced together the puzzle that shows us who Nick really is.
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

Sorry it took me a couple of days...days get kinda busy sometimes!! ;)

I really enjoyed reading these stories! I am definitely going to have to set aside some "me-time" to read some more fan fic--so fun! :thumbsup:

You're going to have to do some fan fic reading AND writing! :) Most of us here have our stories published on if you're interested in links. :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #19- "100 Years"

I checked out! :eek: It would take me A LIFETIME to read all the CSI fics alone!! What a treasure trove! Thank you for the heads up...although when the house doesn't get cleaned and the children don't get fed, my family may not appreciate it!! :D (but I do...thanks again for being so nice to a newbie!! )