*skids in* can NOT let mac fall to the bottom of the page!!

*waves* hi guys!! sorry i've been kinda absent-ish..........been (still am :shifty

buried under homework

. buuuuuuuuuuuut, due to some lightning bolt epiphanies from this week's past ep, i noticed something rather remarkable, fascinating, disturbing, and intriguing about mac this season. i'm sure we can all agree that he seems different (i could go on a whole expose and link all sorts of moments, lines, etc together on a specific theory i have, but that's a whole other loooooooooong post!). suffice to say that even on a surface level, his appearance seems to be matching whatever he's dealing with emotionally. *coughs and propounds theoretical question* now we all love our mac in black/dark clothes


, but face it, have we
ever seen him in either straight up black, or one of those so-close-it-almost-looks-black clothes nearly every single episode? the point struck me so forcibly that i went back and checked: except for eps 2 and 3, there hasn't been a single ep this season where he hasn't worn black or something pretty darn close. collected proof:
who can forget 'epilogue'?! - 6.01
'dead reckoning' - 6.04
'battle scars' - 6.05
'it happened to me' - 6.06
'hammer down' - 6.07
'cuckoo's nest' - 6.08
'manhattenhenge' - 6.09
'death house' - 6.10
'second chances' - 6.11
'criminal justice' - 6.12
'flag on the play' - 6.13
last but definitely not least as it was this episode which prompted this epiphany, 'sanguine love' -6.14 (i took stills from the entire ep on this one so the clickies will take you to my entire pb album for this ep

draw from this what you will. having gone back through the current season 6 basically all at once, it doesn't seem nearly as disjointed and aimless before, with all the breaks between eps............at least not with mac. and i must say, a lot of his actions and lines make waaaaaaaay more sense now! i could almost go on an ep by ep case study drawing a character/emotional development on him now tying all sorts of seemingly disconnected things together. well, at least they certainly seemed disconnected to me as the season has progressed, until i started smooshing things together and filtering out some of the little side thingies they've had going on.