Post Count/Membership Anniversary thread #4

I reached 500 posts about 10 posts ago... it didn't really dawn on me until I was checking to see how a new icon I'd uploaded looked next to one of my posts and saw "Lab Technician" instead of "Police Officer" over my icon. :D I was like "huh... how 'bout that..." :D
Thanks guys. Now I'm aiming to get up to 1,000 in the next year that's my long term goal for this sight at least for now. :thumbsup:
I don't know whether I should brag about this but I passed the 10,000 post count yesterday :eek: and I did it where I have the most posts which is in The Ward :)
Just noticed I passed the 3,000 mark! :lol:

Took me longer than usual since members lounge posts don't count ha.