~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

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I can't belive I was able to pass by Aldo Shoes without stopping in despite the 50% sale they were having on most of their shoes.

I can't believe how pretty & warm the new fleece hoodie I bought from American Eagle Outfitters is. It was totally worth the $31.00.
I can't believe that there wasn't any final exams at school this quarter. Gah. And I crammed for them too. They really should fix their scedules. *sighs*
I can't believe I wrote a poem about CSI in German class last week, and when I came into the room today I saw my teacher had seriously put in on the wall! :eek: My CSI poem! In German! *faints of embarrassment*
Lizzy_004 said:
I can't believe I wrote a poem about CSI in German class last week, and when I came into the room today I saw my teacher had seriously put in on the wall! :eek: My CSI poem! In German! *faints of embarrassment*
ha ha ha :lol: that's awesome :D you don't want to pm me that poem, do you ?? :D

I can't believe how bad my mood is today.
I can't believe that i haven't bought any christmas presents yet.
Haha, I can do that.. :p but you have to wait till Thursday, I don't know it by heart ;) It's not that impressive though.

I can't believe I ate so much chocolate just now..
Lizzy_004 said:

I can't believe I ate so much chocolate just now..
Same here! :eek:

My mum keeps waving Celebrations (chocolate selection) in front of my face. I've had about 7 of them. I feel a little ill now. :lol:
^ Tut tut Tink, you're looking chubbier every day! :lol:

j/k ;)

Seriously, I wouldn't worry about a few Celebrations - I had a cake stuffed with fresh cream earlier :eek: I felt like a pig afterwards :lol:
7 celebrations is nothing! They're addictive you know. :lol:

I can't believe my husband isn't coming home tonight! He is having some Christmas drinks and missed his last train, so is staying at a colleagues. Hmmm, not happy. :p
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