"Understanding" - Alt version of "Three Way" ep of Miami- Rave ficlet

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by GregNickRyanFan, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    After seeing Ryan give money to Erica Sykes, Eric walked into the DNA lab where Valera was. "Unbelievable!" He said.​

    "What?" Max asked.​


    "Again? Can't you just give him a break, Eric?"​

    "What? He was just giving money to his reporter girlfriend... probably for more airtime."​

    "Oh, lay off of it, Delko!" She snapped. "You are jumping to conclusions! First of all, Erica is most certainly NOT his girlfriend! He can't stand her! Secondly, He was giving her money for the equipment he purposely broke because she filmed him working a case."​

    "How do you know all of that, Valera?"​

    "Because I heard them."​


    "Look, I miss him too, Eric."​


    "Speed. He was a good guy, but you know what? So is Ryan. You need to stop taking this out on him! It's not his fault that Speed died. He can't help that Horatio needed someone to fill Speed's job. He's not trying to replace Speed. You need to be fair, Eric. If you want to keep him at a distant because you're afraid if you become good friends, that you'll lose another friend, that's one thing. But, you don't have to be so damn nasty toward him! At least show him the respect that you wish to be shown to you. You know that Speed would agree with me, don't you? I'm not saying you have to become friends with Ryan, but you could at least be civil to him. Do you know how hard it is to come in and fill a position left by someone everyone loved? It isn't easy. And you're only making it more difficult for him. Please, just stop trying to pick fights with him." She took a breath before continuing her rant. "I know you feel like if you befriend him, you'd be dishonoring Speed's memory, but that isn't true. We have enough enemies in the world with the jobs that we have. We don't need to be making enemies of each other."​

    "I know that, Valera!" Eric said.​

    "Then why are you trying to do that to Ryan?"​

    Eric could have sworn he saw tears in the corners of Valera's eyes. What was that about? He wondered. ​

    "You know what? I need to take a break!" Valera said, starting to walk out, but Eric grabbed her arm gently.​

    "Valera, why does it bother you so much? Why do you care so much about how I act toward Wolfe?"​

    "I just do, okay? I don't have to justify my feelings to you. The point is that Ryan is one of the good guys. He deserves to be treated better than you've been treating him."​

    "I'm sorry, but I can't help but think that there's a bigger reason that you're so passionate about this issue."​

    "If there is, it's my business, not yours, Eric!"​

    Ryan walked into the lab. "What's going on in here?" Ryan asked. He saw what looked like tears in Valera's eyes. "Maxine, are you okay?"​

    "I'll be okay. I've just got to go to the ladies' room."​

    "Oh, okay." Ryan said as she walked past him, brushing her fingertips down the palm of his hand as she passed. When she was out of the room and out of earshot, Ryan glared at Eric. "There were tears in her eyes. What did you say to her, Delko?"​


    "Obviously you said something that upset her."​

    "What is with the two of you defending each other so passionately?"​


    "She was upset because she didn't like my attitude toward you, okay?" ​

    "Really? She reamed you out for your attitude against me?"​

    "Yes." Delko said and Ryan couldn't help but smirk a little. Eric remembered seeing the exchange between Ryan and Valera before she left the room. "Oh My God!" Eric exclaimed. He lowered his voice before speaking again. "You and Valera are dating?" He asked. "Oh man, I really put my foot in my mouth with her. Look, I'm sorry if I haven't been fair to you. I've just had a hard time."​

    "With Speed's death? I know, Eric. I understand. YOu don't want to feel guilty like you're replacing him. I get it."​

    "Yeah, but I shouldn't take it out on you, so I'm sorry."​

    "It's okay, Eric. I know how you feel."​

    "How can you?"​

    "Because I've been there myself."​


    "The first city I worked in as a cop, my partner was my best friend from the academy. One day, we were on a routine call that went badly. He was shot. I shot the suspect. My partner was rushed to the hospital where he later died. Not long after, they gave me a new partner. I realized how badly I was treating him. I apologized and then I left. I couldn't stay there anymore. I didn't trust myself not to be mean to him again. So, that's when I moved here to Miami."​

    "I'm sorry, I didn't know that." Eric said. "What was his name?"​

    "Wyatt Mariner."​

    "I'm really sorry, Ryan."​

    "It was a long time ago."​

    "I meant for mistreating you."​

    "Oh. Apology accepted."​

    "So, when did you and Max start dating?"​

    "A while ago."​

    "She obviously cares a lot about you. I mean, she tore me a new one for mistreating you... and there were tears in her eyes."​

    "She's so amazing. I think I..." He paused.​

    "You're falling for her, aren't you?"​

    "I've already fallen." Ryan said and Eric grinned.​

    "I think she has too."​

    "I should probably go check on her."​


    "Are we cool now?"​

    "We're cool."​

    "Good." He held out his hand and Eric shook it. "Eric?"​


    "I hope you don't leave like I did."​

    "I won't."​

    "But, if you ever want to talk... you know, since I can relate and all..."​

    "Yeah." He nodded. "Thanks, Wolfe."​

    Ryan left the room and went in search of Maxine. He found her alone in the breakroom. She was sitting on the couch, her back to the door. He walked up behind her. He leaned over her and kissed her (upside down). "I love you, Maxine." He said, moving to sit beside her. He took her into his arms.​

    "I love you too, Ryan." She said and giggled a little.​

    "What are you giggling about?"​

    "You've just been dying to try that upside down kiss thing ever since we watched Spiderman together, haven't you?"​

    He just grinned and kissed her again. "Everything is okay now."​


    "Delko and I talked. We came to an understanding."​

    "That's good." She said, leaning her head against his shoulder. He kissed her forehead.​

    "It's all because of you, you know."​


    "Well, if you hadn't gotten on his case about how he was acting, he might never have realized it."​


    "So, I should thank you for that."​

    "Isn't that what you just did with the kiss?"​

    "No, I kissed you because I've been wanting to all day." He smiled. "I'll thank you when we get home." He winked at her.​

    She smiled and stood to her feet, he stood up with her and they walked out the door.​



    Sorry for the plain title, but I couldn't think of anything else. :lol: Hope you liked the ficlet. :)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  2. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    Re: "Understanding" - Alt version of "Three Way" ep of Miami- Rave fic

    I got an idea (based on some of what's going to be going on in the new season) for a second part of this fic. Hopefully I'll be able to get it on paper. :lol:

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