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  1. F

    The Warm Welcome Thread #3

    Thank you, and by the way we don't live all that far from each other, I live in the North West in Greater Manchester. I know it's still a distance but still.
  2. F

    Wallpaper Thread #10: Showcase, Links, & Requests

    So it's good to be back not just on this forum but back making wallpapers, and as it's been awhile I bring you two. The first one was made last year I believe, not sure when exactly. As for the second I've just finished it tonight, the words at the top of the second one are the lyrics from a...
  3. F

    The Warm Welcome Thread #3

    Thank you for the welcome. Although I actually was here awhile ago but it's been awhile since I've been on and completely forgot I had an account here and only realised until like an hour after I'd registered this account. I'm Aiden_Burn. But thank you anyway.
  4. F

    What was the last tv show you watched

    Basically you say what the last tv show you watched was and maybe add a bit about the episode, what you liked about it what you didn't. I couldn't see another thread like this but if there is one, I apologise. Reunion - Stargate Atlantis I recently bought S4 (on Saturday) and I've started...
  5. F

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #55: Actors - Now Open! Oohh me too, shall definitely have a go :). Ah helps if I read it properly.
  6. F

    Other Fandom FanArt #5-Showcase & Requests

    So it's been awhile since I made icons and I made a few the week before but am just now adding the finishing touches to them, anyway here's 3 of the finished ones. And I also have a banner I made for here to use in my sig. The icons are part of a bigger batch but I'm just posting a sampling as...
  7. F

    Wallpaper Thread #10: Showcase, Links, & Requests

    So It's been awhile since I last made any wallpapers and I want to get back into making them, so I'm going to take requests. If you'd like me to make you a wallpaper just give me some details and I'll have a go. I'm still improving on them and need the practice, but to be able to practice I need...
  8. F

    The Warm Welcome Thread #3

    Thank you and thank you I'm glad you think so, :).
  9. F

    Grade 'The 34th Floor'

    Haha yes his hair does fail a bit, but he still looks HOT IMHO. And I totally agree about Stella and the letter, that should have totally been addressed to Mac and not Lindsay, I'm a Mac/Stella shipper and I would've liked to have had her write a letter to Mac, oh well I guess that's where...
  10. F

    The Warm Welcome Thread #3

    Newbie here, coming in to say hi to you all. CSI NY is one of my favourite shows, and I can't wait for S7 to air here in the UK, though I'll still be watching the day after it airs in America online. I'm trying to get back into icon making, which I love doing, and once I've made more NY icons...
  11. F

    Grade 'The 34th Floor'

    So I watched this ep for the first time earlier today not knowing that Stella had left, :(, only found out part way through when I noticed she wasn't there and decided to IMDB Melina and see which episodes she was in, only to discover she's in none, because she left. I'm disappointed by that...